Conditions: Cool and Clear
28 PAX walked/ran/rucked and then gathered for some solid 2nd F at Starbucks.
COT: YHC shared how the holidays are supposed to be a time of joy an peace, yet for many, it is anything but. This coming weekend, YHC is headed to NC for our annual family Christmas gathering. This year will be the first ever without my brother and his family. My brother and his son both suffer from addictions and other demons and have essentially removed themselves from the family. It will be tough without them, but I continue to pray for restoration. YHC shared Ephesians 4:32 “Be king and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” We are reminded that we can only do our part, but we need to do our part. If we need to seek foregiveness, we must ask. If we need to forgive someone, we need to do that. Life is too short and tomorrow is not a guarantee.