F3 Greenwood

Merkin Maintenace

Merkin Maintenance 5 Guys took time to perform a little Merkin maintenance in preparation for spring time. Conditions: 23 Degrees. Perfect for a early morning workout. Disclaimer: given as YHC tied up the shoes. Warm-up: SSH x20 IC The Meat: 8 Minute AMRAP on Concrete Monster 20 Merkins Sprint to top 20 LBC’s Rinse & […]

Where in the World???

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1EIUP8tvbE?ecver=2] Conditions: Cold and Wet Disclaimer: Given Mosey to the Coupon stack and grab a coupon. Line up on the goal line of the fake field. Warm up (in cadence unless specified otherwise) 20 SSH 10 Imperial Walkers 10 Slow Squats 30 LBAC (forward/reverse) The Main Work: 8 min AMRAP Round 1 20 count […]

Shipyard hit with Tsunami

Disclaimer given. Grab a coupon and mosey to artificial turf field.   COP 15 SSH IC 5 Burpees OYO 15 Squats IC 5 Burpees OYO 15 BB sit ups OYO 5 Burpees OYO 15 Alpos OYO 5 Burpees OYO 15 Flutter Kicks OYO   Main Thang Count off by 1 and 2 to partner up […]

The delayed but not missed combo backblast Shipyard/Tsunami

Fittingly time , numbers, and actions work on a different level in Pusher’s world. There are no constants, everything is variable, so why should you expect a backblast to come out on time. Or even for that matter be consistent. By this time , I truely have forgotten some things and for that I apoligize. […]

A 4 Banger for 45

4 pax posted for a 4 move beatdown. Disclaimer: Given after gathering coupons and moseying to the front of the school. Conditions: 49F cool and damp. COP Mtn Climbers x25IC Imperial Walkers x25IC Flutter Kicks x25IC The THANG Box Jumps x25 Chest Presses x50 Lunge walk to the big flag pole (approx 60yds) then perform […]

You sank my Battleship!

8 Pax post this morning and wreaked havoc on the Battleship. After the dust settled 1 Pax had delivered the money shot and sank the Battleship. Here’s how everything went down: Conditions: 28 Degrees Disclaimer: Given as a recap of the prescribed work was given. 1 minute to go time… “Let’s mosey to the bottom […]

All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz , and I am fine.

For Blueprint: Tsunami – an arrival or occurrence of something in overwhelming quantities or amounts. Conditions 45ish degrees, clear skies, NO RAIN Disclaimer given at 6:00 as we began Warmup: 15 Side Straddle Hops 15 Grass Cutters 15 Imperial Walkers Thang (Waves): Bomb – walk to 10 yard line with block above your head then […]

Head Start

9 Pax laced up the racing shoes and got a head start on the competition. Conditions: Some where around 50 Degrees Disclaimer: Given Grab a coupon and head to the field Warm-up: Merkin Indian Run around the track (1 lap) The Meat: Partner up with someone that runs a similar pace. Round 1 Sprint to […]

If it Ain’t Broke…

This has been a busy week for me. Today was my 3rd of 4 Qs for the week. My first boot camp this week at the Shipyard received some good feedback so I decided if it was good enough for the Shipyard boys then surely it would be good enough to recycle for the Mothership […]

I Forgot How Much I Like This Place

It has been a while since I have visited The Shipyard and every time I return I am reminded how much I like that AO. The game field is great for boot camp work (and Ultimate Frisbee), and the Concrete Monster is perfect for combining hill work and exercises. I decided to utilize both of […]