F3 Greenwood

This has been a busy week for me. Today was my 3rd of 4 Qs for the week. My first boot camp this week at the Shipyard received some good feedback so I decided if it was good enough for the Shipyard boys then surely it would be good enough to recycle for the Mothership of F3Greenwood, The Epicenter. A few tweaks were needed, but the workout was basically the same.

Numbers were low, which seems to be the trend for Thursdays, but the quality was second to none. Everyone present pushed themselves and completed all the work. As usual, work was done and a good time was had by all in attendance.

Disclaimer was given at 5:15 and we got started.


Side Straddle Hops 25 IC

LBAC Medley(Forward, Backward, Front Claps, OH Claps, Moroccan Night Clubs) 25 each IC

Imperial Walkers 25 IC

Whirly Boys 25 IC

Mosey to the soccer field for the first of two circuits:


Circuit 1: Merkins, Big Boy Sit-ups, Squats

Start at end line and perform 5 reps of each exercise, run to first light pole and add 5 reps at each pole down the field until reaching last pole(end line). Rinse and repeat back to original goal line. Plank for the 6

Total reps: 150 of each exercise

10 count recovery and we took a long mosey around the Epicenter to the Hill for Circuit #2

Circuit 2Flutter Kicks, American Hammers, Little Baby Crunches

Run down the hill, perform 30 reps of each exercise. Sprint to top of hill, reduce reps by 5. Continue to reduce reps by 5 on each trip down and back until 5 reps at the top. Al Gore for the 6.

Total reps: 105 of each exercise

Time called and we headed to the Shovel Flag for COT


Count, Names

Announcements: Read the Newsletter.

Prayer Requests

Closed in Prayer

Thank you again for the opportunity to lead another workout and serve my fellow PAX.

Dixie Chick