It has been a while since I have visited The Shipyard and every time I return I am reminded how much I like that AO. The game field is great for boot camp work (and Ultimate Frisbee), and the Concrete Monster is perfect for combining hill work and exercises. I decided to utilize both of these in Tuesday’s workout.
Disclaimer given at 5:15 and down we went to the “Professional Field”
Side Straddle Hops 25 IC
LBAC Medley(Forward, Backward, Front Claps, OH Claps, Moroccan Night Clubs) 25 each IC
Imperial Walkers 25 IC
Whirly Boys 25 IC
Circuit 1: Merkins, Big Boy Sit-ups, Squats
Start at goal line perform 5 reps of each exercise, run 25 yds and add 5 reps for each 25 yds until reaching other goal line. Rinse and repeat back to original goal line. Plank for the 6
Total reps: 150 of each exercise
10 count recovery and head to the Concrete Monster
Circuit 2: Flutter Kicks, American Hammers, Little Baby Crunches
At the bottom of the CM, perform 30 reps of each exercise. Sprint to top of hill, reduce reps by 5. Continue to reduce reps by 5 on each trip down and back until 5 reps at the top. Al Gore for the 6.
Total reps: 105 of each exercise
Time called and we headed to the Shovel Flag for COT
Count, Names
Announcements: Read the Newsletter.
RUN Q sheet is empty. Sign up for a Run Q.
A few PAX shared some stories about pushing past the physical limitations that we think we have. Remember you can only go as far as you are willing to push yourself.
BOM-Closed in Prayer
I had a fun time at the Shipyard and it was great to see some of the PAX that I don’t see that often at boot camps. I thought several times during and after the workout that I don’t get out there enough. Several of us, including myself, get into the routine of always posting at the same AOs because it is convenient or has become routine. F3 Greenwood is unique in having so many AOs within a very short distance from each other. One of the challenges I made for myself this year is to post at every F3 Greenwood AO at least once every month. I fell short this month (missed RED Friday #accountability). I encourage all of the F3 Greenwood PAX to make the short drive every once and a while and see what our other AOs have to offer.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve my fellow PAX and lead another workout.
Dixie Chick