Dam-less Bootcamp
Conditions: Phone said 44 degrees and clear skies. 1 minute warning called, disclaimer given, time to get to work. Warmup: 20 CTG IC, 20 IW’s IC, 20 SSH IC, 20 Merkins OYO. Sufficiently warm, mosey to the tables near restrooms. The Thang Part 1: a pair of 21-15-9s Round 1: Australian Mt Climbers, Decline Merkins, Big Boy […]
Ladders and Dora
Weather: 50s 5:14 – Disclaimer/1 minute warning given 5:15 – Warmup: SSHops – 25 in cadence followed by 10 imperial walkers, 10 hillbillies, 10 cut the grass, 10×6 shoulder exercises, 25 air squats, 20 mt climbers and 25 merkins (all done in cadence or on your own) The Work: Grab a coupon and mosey over […]
It’s just a square – but I got beer!
Conditions: perfect temp of 52 degrees and dry Disclaimer given WU – nothing, we gotta get to work The Thang – 4 corners, 4 exercises Grab blocks and head to field where 25x25yd square was marked off One exercise each corner, karaoke two sides, mosey the other two Start with 5 reps. Each trip around […]
Bunnies and Stars
Somebody had to pick up the last minute Saturday Q. Might as well have been the baddest mother-eff(3)er around, Foreclosure. Fortunately for everyone in attendance his name never made it on the signup sheet, so I swept in and put my name down. Here is what we did. Warm-up SSH x25 Imperial Walkers x25 […]
Dozen for some DORA
YHC was hoping for a good crowd which would be unusual for a Thursday but he wasn’t disappointed as 12 men answered the call this morning at Talon. Weather was crisp. Disclaimer was given. Warm-Up 25 SSH 5 burpees 20 SSH 4 burpees 15 SSH 3 burpees 10 SSH 2 burpees 5 SSH 1 burpee […]
Awkward First Date w/ a Coupon
Conditions: 30-ish and clear skies 1 minute warning called, disclaimer given. Time to get to work. Warmup: 20 SSH IC, 5 burpees OYO, 20 CTG IC, 5 burpees OYO, 20 Imperial Walkers IC, 5 burpees OYO, 20 High Knees IC. Sufficiently warm, head to the coupon pile. The Thang Part 1: mosey with coupon to covered area by […]
More than Fury??
5:14 – 1 minute warning 5:15 – Warm-up: 25 side straddle hops, 10 cut the grass, 10 imperial walkers, 10 hill billies (all done in cadence); 25 merkins oyo The Work: grab a coupon and rifle carry to the covered side entrance of GCS Round 1: 21,15, 9 if the following exercises: curls, overhead press, […]
Hope you drank a Pre-Workout
Conditions, phone said 27 degrees and clear skies. 1 minute warning called and disclaimer given. Warmup 20 SSH IC, 20 Imperial Walkers IC, 20 Cut the Grass IC, 20 Mountain Climbers IC, 10 Burpees OYO. Sufficiently warm, grab a semi-frozen coupon and head to the goal line. There was a smidge of mumblechatter with the […]
Day 4: It’s Colder Than It Looks Outside
Day 4 and final day of Inspector Q blitzkrieg. Snow, ice, and slush. Buncha skinny runners came in as I was driving up with various hardware, ie vests, heavy book bags, and headlamps. Crazy folk. WARM UP 25 SSH IC / 10 cut da grass IC / 25 high knees IC / 10 imperial walkers […]
Pothole’s Rest Day
Conditions 36 degrees, humidity a nice 64% – perfect BC weather Disclaimer given WU SSH IC x25 IW IC x20 CTG IC x15 The Thang Grab 2 blocks and get to the parking lot Will have 4 corners, work done x50 reps in each, farmer carry both blocks between corners Round 1: Flutter kicks (count […]