Conditions: Phone said 44 degrees and clear skies.
1 minute warning called, disclaimer given, time to get to work.
Warmup: 20 CTG IC, 20 IW’s IC, 20 SSH IC, 20 Merkins OYO. Sufficiently warm, mosey to the tables near restrooms.
The Thang
Part 1: a pair of 21-15-9s
Round 1: Australian Mt Climbers, Decline Merkins, Big Boy Sit-ups.
Round 2: Step-ups (hard way), Dips, X-factors (easy way).
Part 2: Mosey to the coupons, and head to front parking lot.
Next up was “Iron Ranger WOD” consisting of the following work: 94 Goblet Squats, 94 Merkins, 94 Ab of choice, 94 Kettlebell Swings, 22 Burpees. During word was a running EMOM set to 3 mins, mosey to last parking spot and back, pick up where you left off.
Part 3: 9 minute EMOM, with rotating exercises called by PAX, each PAX calling 3 exercises. Work included: OH Press, Curls, 6” leg raise hold, Chest Presses, Flutter Kicks w/ block in press position, Plank, Heel Raises, Low Squat Hold, and YHC can’t remember the last one.
Part 4: Return the coupons, still got a little time left. 20 Merkins, 20 Squats, 20 Big Boys. 20 Digital Underground’s each leg ( Single Leg Bridges) in honor of Humpty Dance coming on playlist. Finish with 30 second low plank and RECOVER CALLED.
Circled up, counted, and named.
YHC’s oldest 2.0 getting baptized tomorrow.
Prayer Requests
Diplomacy and Peace in Ukraine. Flossy’s Dad, Safe and injury free runs for the D2D runners. YHC prayed us out.
Solid work by all this morning. My guess of 5 non D2D runners proved generous, but those that showed showed out. As always an honor to lead in the gloom, and see y’all next time. Brut signing off.