F3 Greenwood

Conditions: 30-ish and clear skies

1 minute warning called, disclaimer given. Time to get to work.

Warmup: 20 SSH IC, 5 burpees OYO, 20 CTG IC, 5 burpees OYO, 20 Imperial Walkers IC, 5 burpees OYO, 20 High Knees IC. Sufficiently warm, head to the coupon pile.

The Thang

Part 1: mosey with coupon to covered area by my restrooms for a pair of 21-15-9’s. Round 1 we did Australian Mountain Climbers, Merkins, V-ups. Round 2 we did Overhead Presses, Alternating Block Merkins, Kettlebell Swings. Shoulders and pecs sufficiently smoked at this point, in the next episode.

Part 2: moseyed to playground area for a 10 Minute EMOM of 3 Pull-ups, 10 laying down Skull Crushers w/ coupon, 10 LBC’s. All PAX then mosey to paved area behind play area.

Part 3: 10 Round Tabata 20 seconds work, 10 rest of what YHC will name Digital Underground’s (as the exercise elicited a reference to their most famous song upon demonstration). Work was single leg block bridges (coupon across waist), alternating legs each round of the Tabata (5 rounds each leg). Humpty would have applauded this effort, and Mumblechatter was entertaining. Some PAX named their coupon to lessen the awkwardness of their first date with said coupon.

Last Ditch Effort: Completed a round of 11’s where we were, Goblet Squats and Big Boy’s. Bear crawl the length of the court between, mosey back. About that time, grab our coupons and mosey back to parking lot.

Block securely returned to pile, and the D2D crew rolled up just in time for 10 Burpees OYO (this earned some Mumblechatter from the Skinny Runners 😂) to finish up right at 7. Recover Called

We circled up, counted out, named up.

Announcements: officially none

Prayer Requests: all unspoken today. YHC prayed us out.

NMM:  Great crowd for a Saturday. All PAX put out max effort, sweat equity paid up all around. Some takeaways: 21-15-9 combos YHC compiled were a smoke fest for sure. Skull crushers have a name for a reason (Crayola informed us why afterwards). And after 2 rounds each leg of the single leg bridges your HAM is on 🔥. Mumblechatter was on point, and hope all PAX were as challenged by the work as yours truly. As always, an honor to lead these men in the gloom, and appreciate all showing up to show out. Until next time, Brut is out.