F3 Greenwood

Conditions, phone said 27 degrees and clear skies.

1 minute warning called and disclaimer given.


20 SSH IC, 20 Imperial Walkers IC, 20 Cut the Grass IC, 20 Mountain Climbers IC, 10 Burpees OYO. Sufficiently warm, grab a semi-frozen coupon and head to the goal line. There was a smidge of mumblechatter with the burpee call to end warmup. More to come I’m sure.

The Thang

Part 1: Kalsu WOD

100 Thrusters with a running EMOM clock for 5 Burpees. (Mumblechatter intensified a good bit here).

Part 2: AMRAP consisting of the following circuit: 25 Bonnie Blair’s (the hard way), 20 V-ups, 15 Kettlebell Swings, 10 Big Boy Sit-ups, 5 Manmakers (cue a bit more mumblechatter) and a short mosey to the 25 yd line-ish, 3 burpees, mosey back. Wash, rinse, repeato for 15 minutes.

Needed to burn a couple minutes so….full field mosey to opposite goal line, 5 burpees OYO, mosey back.

Part 3: 10 Round Tabata (or is pronounced ciabatta??) consisting of 5 exercises: Little Baby Crunches, High Plank Hold, Big Boy Sit-ups, Merkins, American Hammers. 20 seconds work, 10 second rest. We did 2 full rounds.

Last little bit: 20 SSH, 20 Merkins, 10 Big Boys and Recover Called

Return the coupons and circle up.

We counted, named, YHC flubbed the video. 🤦‍♂️

Announcements: Aba has the Q at REDFriday tomorrow, Talon on Saturdays.

Prayer Requests: Hulk dealing with a fractured foot, Pothole’s BIL, Flossy’s Dad, Scrums mother (oncology appointment today) and his M. YHC prayed us out.


Great group this morning. All pushed themselves to get better, all helped push YHC to get better. Thank you men for showing up, and showing out. YHC will take some camera lessons from his 3 yo and hopefully get it right next time. Until then, Brut is signing off.