“Dee” Hero WOD
Since Duggar brought a Hero WOD to the Shipyard last week I thought I would bring one to the the Epicenter today. I was looking through some Hero WOD’s last night and thought “Dee” would be a good one to push the Pax to the limit. I also needed to get some more merkins in […]
Cinco de Jueves
This back-blast is being posted on behalf of our Guest Q – Lock-box (@PShvetz,) from F3 Strut in Irmo, SC. Thanks for Q’ing and come back anytime! Beginning Disclaimer followed by brief opening prayer: Short Mosey to corner of parking lot for warm-ups 15 SSH IC 10 Through the Tunnel IC 10 Windmills IC 20 […]
Turtlehead gets Laid at Epicenter !?!?
When YHC looked at the Q sheet on Sunday, YHC noticed that today was open. YHC hoped that someone else was going to step up and take the lead but no one did, so YHC did. (Along those notes, there are plenty of open Q spots, so step out and fill one of those spots.) […]
The Day the Music Died
YHC had planned a simple, but challenging workout for the pax and had brought along a patriotic playlist on Spotify to accompany the beatdown. However, YHC did not realize the extent of the playlist, so that, instead of Lee Greenwood, John Mellencamp, or Bruce Springsteen’s classic Americana rock, we got Bing Crosby’s Home on the […]
Just What I Needed
YHC does not usually Q bootcamps. But in an effort to motivate myself to get out in the Gloom on more than just run days, I’ve started to drop my name on a few bootcamp Qs. This was my first at the Epicenter in a long while. I also figured that, being the day after […]
Little Baby Arm Circles & Imperial Walkers
Getting better is an evolution and is different for every man. Life has ebbs and flows and ups and downs. To me it is not about how fast you get better or how much better you get each day but the fact that you are continually getting better. Right now I would consider myself out […]
Hip to be Square
On Monday, YHC saw that today was open at the Epicenter and figured it would be a good way to selfishly get some abs in as June was coming to an end and he needed to make up some ab count. 2 PAX showed up to join me and brave the potential rainfall. Disclaimer given […]
You got terminated!
Encinoman twice in a week, why not. Maybe one I’ll do a complete lower body workout, but that’s not today. Weather : muggy summer morning Disclamer given at 5:15. warmups: 10 merkens, 10 burpees, and 10 squat jumps OYO, 30 count Superman, 20 count one handed planks, 10 each side. And on to the coupon […]
Slow Down Speedy
11 PAX came out for a muggy morning for the VQ of Otis Condition 71 degrees and humidity 100% (+) Disclaimer given to 10 PAX we’ll explain in a minute WARMUP 15- Little baby arm circles (forward) Polly already giving me a hard time. That’s a good thing. 15 Little baby arm circles (backward) 11- […]
Farmer Carry
After attending Piddlers Q @ the Shipyard last Thursday and Farmer carrying coupons around the parking lot , I knew I was going to use that for my Q @ the Epicenter. Here we go! Conditions – 70 degrees and HUMID Disclaimer Given at 5:15 Warm-up SSH- 30 20 Little baby arm circles forwards, backwards […]