F3 Greenwood

Getting better is an evolution and is different for every man.  Life has ebbs and flows and ups and downs.  To me it is not about how fast you get better or how much better you get each day but the fact that you are continually getting better.  Right now I would consider myself out of shape but I’m in much better shape than I was 3 years ago.  Injuries, stress, work demands, home life responsibilities, burn out, frustration, disappointment have all been factors in keeping out of the gloom more this year already than in the pervious 3 years combined.  My diet is terrible and I’m not able to run right now so I’m putting on weight and its depressing.

Disclaimer was given

Warm-up was Windmill and Cut the Grass both 10 IC

Mosey to coupon cage and meet up in front of the benches.

21-15-9 (3 sets)

21 Chest Press

15 Pullovers

9 Front Press

Lunge Walk to the fence, mosey back

21-15-9 (3 sets)

21 Curls

15 Tricep Ext

9 We’re Not Worthy

Back Pedal to the fence, mosey back

21-15-9 (3 sets)

21 Overhead Press

15 Squats

9 Goblet Squats

Farmers Carry to the fence and back

21-15-9 (3 sets)

21 Alpo

15 Bonnie Blairs (count one leg)

9 Thrusters

Rifle Carry to the fence, Shoulder carry back

Returned the coupons

Meet up in front of my truck

Fellowshipped and Prayed to close