F3 Greenwood

After attending Piddlers Q @ the Shipyard last Thursday and Farmer carrying coupons around the parking lot , I knew I was going to use that for my Q @ the Epicenter. Here we go!

Conditions – 70 degrees and HUMID

Disclaimer Given at 5:15

SSH- 30
20 Little baby arm circles forwards, backwards

Mosey to the Coupon Cage

The Thang

All pax grabbed a coupon and then paired up with a partner.

Station 1

Partner 1 Farmer carries both coupons towards 2nd Playground while Partner 2 drops and does 25 merkins. After Partner 2 completes 25 merkins he sprints and catches Partner 1. Swap roles until both Partners reach 2nd Playground. Plank for six, some pax did ab work.

Station 2

3 rounds-

5 pull-ups, 10 man makers, 15 air squats

Plank for the six, some pax did ab work

Station 3

Partner 1 Farmer carries both coupons towards Flossy’s Hill while Partner 2 drops and does 30 American Hammers. After Partner 2 completes 30 American Hammers he sprints and catches Partner 1. Swap roles until both Partners reach the bottom of Flossy’s Hill. Plank for six, some pax did more ab work.

Station 4

Burpee block jumps, Bear crawls and V-ups

10 Burpee block jumps at bottom/ Bear crawl to top 20 V-ups(everytime)…..decrease 1 Burpee block jump each trip down. Repeat

After each Pax was down to 7 burpee block jumps I noticed we had 5 minutes remaining. Lets Farmer carry again! Pax cut through the middle of the Epicenter back to the coupon cage. Same order as before but do 20 LBC’s in between coupon carry.

Mosey to Flag



Great Job by all Pax!


Polly mentioned Furman 5k July 4, 2018

Rabbit chase 5k next Wednesday @ 5:15. If you need a timing chip please contact tweeter this weekend.

Prayer Requests



Judge Harry had a praise report, his mom and dad just celebrated 40 years and his aunt and uncle 50 years of marriage. Congrats!
