When YHC looked at the Q sheet on Sunday, YHC noticed that today was open. YHC hoped that someone else was going to step up and take the lead but no one did, so YHC did. (Along those notes, there are plenty of open Q spots, so step out and fill one of those spots.) The original intended plan was involving a good number of pull-ups but after the Blu Q yesterday at Terrapin, that plan was tabled and will have to be used another day.
YHC knew that Lockbox from Lake Murray was coming this morning and got to the Epicenter a little earlier than normal to make sure someone was there upon his arrival. But at 5:12, still no Lockbox. At that point, YHC’s phone rang and Lockbox was a little lost by all of the Highway 72’s in Greenwood. He stated that he was by the intersection of Bojangles and Countybank but after a rather back and forth conversation, YHC realized that he was down by the other intersection with Bojangles and Countybank near Shipyard. (How many Bojangles does one town need?). YHC told him he wasn’t far from Shipyard and he could head there if he wanted to but Lockbox wanted to come to the Epicenter this morning since he has the Q on Thursday (and because it’s the best BC in town). By the time, YHC got off the phone, it was a little past go time and off we went with a quick disclaimer and a promise that Lockbox would join us shortly.
SSH x 25
Imperial Walkers x 25
The Thang
Indian run along the path to Flossy’s Hill. Person in back does 3 merkins.
Flossy’s Hill
70 second plank series at bottom – 20 second normal plank, 15 second right arm plank, 15 second left arm plank, 20 second normal plank
Burpee Ladder
10 burpees at bottom of hill, bear crawl to top, 20 V-ups, and run down. Repeat reducing each number by 2 until 2 burpees and 12 V-ups.
(As we started the ladder, YHC saw a car pull up and assuming it was Lockbox, quick moseyed to meet him and bring him to the workout.)
Indian run the long way along the path to Polly’s Pavilion. Person in back does 3 merkins.
Polly’s Pavilion
70 second plank series at bottom – 20 second normal plank, 15 second right arm plank, 15 second left arm plank, 20 second normal plank
Step-up Ladder
10 step-ups counting one leg and 20 reverse crunches. Repeated reducing each number by 2 until 2 step-ups and 12 reverse crunches. Dips or merkins until the 6.
Quick mosey to roundhouse.
70 second plank series at bottom – 20 second normal plank, 15 second right arm plank, 15 second left arm plank, 20 second normal plank
Wall Sits and Flutterkicks
The length of the wall sit will determine the number of flutterkicks (counting one leg). We did a set of 30, 60, and 90 seconds. The 90 second wall sits were a huge hit. If we only had time to keep going longer. Maybe we’ll save that for another Q.
6:00 hit and recover was called and we moseyed back for COT.
-2nd F somewhere today. Pay attention to Twitter.
-Saturday BC at Epicenter. Still need a Q.
Prayer Requests
-Polly’s oldest is moving to Tennessee to start a job with UPS and is getting married in September. Prayers for a smooth transition.
-Blu’s daughter who fell off her bike training for a triathlon and broke her toe, among other injuries.
-During the middle of reverse crunches on the picnic tables in the pavilion, Polly mentions that people have sex on these tables. To which Turtlehead replies that he has. So, after some discussion we decided to title the BB “Turtlehead gets Laid at the Epicenter.”
-Great to have Lockbox join us this morning for his yearly visit to Greenwood for banker’s school. Even better that he has the Q on Thursday.
-YHC shared 1 Peter 1: 1-9 and how it is a great reminder of God’s salvation and promises to always provide what we need. And not to let the worries and stress of the day distract us from His promises for us.
Until next time,