F3 Greenwood

YHC does not usually Q bootcamps. But in an effort to motivate myself to get out in the Gloom on more than just run days, I’ve started to drop my name on a few bootcamp Qs. This was my first at the Epicenter in a long while.

I also figured that, being the day after the 4th of July, attendance would be light. It was nice to see Lemon and Polly. The disclaimer was given, followed by a burpee rep (starting with five) countdown for the warm-up. Then we headed to the soccer field to start the real work.

The Thang:


  • 25 Overhead Presses
  • Bear crawl to center.
  • 25 Merkins
  • Crabwalk to the other side of the field
  • 25 Plank Jacks
  • Run back to the start
  • Rinse and repeat until “recover” is called


  • 50 calf raises with block
  • Lunge walk to center
  • 50 air squats
  • Bunny hop to other side of the field
  • 50 Bonnie Blairs
  • back peddle back to the start
  • Rinse and repeat until “recover” is called


  • 75 LBCs
  • Burpee broad jump to center
  • 75 Whirly boys
  • Burpee broad jump to other side of the field
  • 75 American hammers
  • Karaoke back to the start
  • Rinse and repeat until “recover” is called

Great work guys! YHC also made a playlist for the occasion. Here’s Polly’s favorite track.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvy2yqUHLLg?rel=0&showinfo=0]