F3 Greenwood

Not Cold Enough for Pants

It was cold but not cold enough for BenGay to put on pants. The only thing that will make that man put his pants on are sub 25* F temps. There were a large number of pax who started out early. The routes and paces were as varied as the pax in F3 Greenwood. Announcements: […]

Easy Peasey

Conditi0ns: 30 degrees, “feels like” 24 – a little ice around Disclaimer given WU SSH IC x25 IW IC x20 CTG IC x15 10 burpees OYO The Thang circuit workout of only 4 exercises, plus 10 squats (always) when done with each round Pull-ups x2 Dips x5 Big boy sit-ups x5 Swerkins x5 After each […]

Day 2: Strip Club Etiquette

Day 2 of renewed posting effort. Mobile. Ish. WARM UP 25 SSH IC 25 cut da grass IC 25 high knees 25 imperial walkers IC 25 butt kickers   WORK Intersection of Fury/Laurel: 25 merkins/25 squats/25 abs Emerald Baptist: 11s in parking lot with jungle bois and merkins / forward mosey out, backpedal in Crawlbear […]

Day 1: Tweeter Sans-Culottes

Day 1 of a renewed effort to get back and get after it. I reached out to Southern Belle the week prior to ask if I could steal the Terrapin Q and start the week off right. I was wary of the roads so asked for a ride in a man’s man 4×4 and Crayola […]

Let it go! Let it go! Can’t hold it back anymore!

The weather this morning was like a scene from Frozen But that didn’t stop three pax from getting out and putting in work. Even though it tried, we wouldn’t let the wind push us around. There were only a few announcements (Dam to Dam Relay coming up) and prayer requests (Juggs, those without power). We […]

Pothole’s Rest Day

Conditions 36 degrees, humidity a nice 64% – perfect BC weather Disclaimer given WU SSH IC x25 IW IC x20 CTG IC x15 The Thang Grab 2 blocks and get to the parking lot Will have 4 corners, work done x50 reps in each, farmer carry both blocks between corners Round 1: Flutter kicks (count […]

Picking up the 6

Conditions: Feels like 30ish, and too cold to stand still…Got to move it move it. 1 minute warning given, disclaimer given. Time for some work. Warmup Imperial Walkers x 20 IC, SSH x 20 IC, Mountain Climbers x 20 IC, High Knees (except for one PAX not so high knees) x 20 IC, 10 Burpees […]

Stars at Fury Jr.

Fury. Where the “elite” boot campers love to be. Somehow only four of us managed to get there and get in that extra 15mins of work. Here is what we did. 4:59 – disclosure 5:00 – Warmup – mosey to the bottom of Fury Hill, and at the start of Murders Row. That Thang- Running […]

Right In The Feels

Conditions- mid 30’s with a downpour of badasses One minute warning and disclaimer- check Head to the cage, grab a coupon, and meet at the tables near the Roundhouse. The Hero we showed up to honor- US Army Captain Dan Whitten, 28, of Grimes, IA, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th […]

Reg Loop

It was a good run out.  The loop around the Y is my favorite, and that’s what a few folks were doing also.  Got passed thrice…tugboat.  A lot of PAX must have left before 515 because there were many more at COT than launch.  Top work getting out early…earlier, that is.  Colder than a witch’s […]