F3 Greenwood

Conditions: Feels like 30ish, and too cold to stand still…Got to move it move it.

1 minute warning given, disclaimer given. Time for some work.


Imperial Walkers x 20 IC, SSH x 20 IC, Mountain Climbers x 20 IC, High Knees (except for one PAX not so high knees) x 20 IC, 10 Burpees OYO.
Sufficiently warmed up, mosey to the goal line.

The Thang

Basketball Inspired Suicides on football field: 3 burpees to start, and each time you return to the original goal line, mosey to first bleachers for 10 inchworm Merkins and back to goal line. Mosey to midfield, 10 V-ups and back to goal line. Mosey to opposite bleachers for 10 inchworm Merkins then back. Mosey to opposite goal line for 3 burpees and back. That was 1 round, we did 2 full rounds.

Onto 4-Corners using the End Zone for reference points. Corner 1: 10 Merkins then forward mosey to Corner 2: 20 Squats then Bear Crawl to Corner 3: 20 Big Boy Sit-ups then Backpedal to Corner 4: 10 Bonnie’s the hard way then Crawl Bear back to Corner 1. That’s 1 Round, we all completed 5 Rounds.

Tabata time. 10 Rounds, 20 seconds work/10 second rest. Odd rounds max X factors, Even rounds max “I’m A ⭐️’s”. This got some mumblechatter aimed towards the creator of said exercise.

Final 5 minutes, EMOM with 5 Merkins and 5 BDE Burpees. Increased mumblechatter overheard now.

Recover Called

Circled it up, Counted up, Named it up. Announcements: Normal schedule expected for next week despite Snowmaggedon looming.

Prayer Requests: Pothole’s BIL with a late night re-admission to the hospital, Flossy’s Dad, Juggs family.
YHC prayed us out.

On the heels of Dixie Chick dropping motivation on us yesterday, today felt like that for YHC. 12 men showing up and showing out on an early Saturday BC. I am humbled and honored to lead a group of HIM’s on a gloomy Saturday morning, and realizing how awesome that is to have and how much harder YHC can push himself with that fellowship. Then we circle up, and YHC is honored again to lift up prayer requests for our brothers in F3 Greenwood that are going through rough seasons and valley’s. In my humble opinion, being lifted up in prayer by your brothers is a powerful thing. I remember when it was YHC family being lifted up almost 3 years ago with my son’s birth and pending open heart surgery. God bless the men that prayed then, and YHC prays for continued blessings on those men that prayed with me today and for all the unspoken prayers as well.  YHC will never take that for granted, and never knew how impactful this was prior to F3, as that was a huge missing piece of life for YHC. Picking up the 6 in all 3 F’s, in our darkest hours, and our greatest triumphs. Dixie Chick was spot on, that men missing out on this is a shame. Keep showing up, keep showing out, and keep praying and putting others ahead of yourselves. Until next time, Brut signing off.