F3 Greenwood

Six Pack at the Epicenter

6 posted at the Epicenter for a cool, moist workout in the gloom. 5:15- YHC had to reluctantly interrupt Pothole’s intelligence gathering conversation with Beano concerning the young man who has been spending some time around his 2.0 lately. Disclaimer was given and we got to work. Warmup at the shovelflag- 20 SSHs 20 Grass […]

Gary’s Special Gary Specials

Conditions: Hot & Muggy Music: Playlist based off of Golden Earring’s song Radar Love Disclaimer: Given The WarmUp: Mosey to the coupon cage and then to the corner of the soccer field closest to the parking lot. The THANG: Set #1 Perform 50 LBC’s at the fence, lunge walk to your coupon, approx. 30yds away, […]

1 of 3, Duggar’s Q

Disclaimer was given 21-15-9 Pull-ups, Push-ups, V-ups Single Line for Indian Run, all the way to Tennis Courts where the following was completed: SUICIDE SPRINTS out to the far line, staying on one court, upon return to starting point each time, work was done, as follows – Round 1: 5 Burpees (total of 20) Round […]

It’s been a while

It’s been a while since I was in a heavy rain during the gloom. No gazebo work was planned.  Polly was not excited about staying in the rain, but typically who is. 1 minute warning given at 5:14 Conditions: 75 degrees with intermittent light rain Warmup: 31 SSH ic 20 Cut the grass ic 10 […]

We don’t need no stinkin’ Jock Jamz

YHC always puts my shoes on sat on the back steps.  In toe was a bluetooth speaker, keys, wallet, socks, shoes, and insoles…and a phone…or not. Upon remembering Toothpick was set to attend, YHC wanted to remove all cuss word songs from the play list – since Back 9 posted even more so.  While at […]

Race Against Time

YHC subscribes to the daily Spartan newsletter and a couple of weeks ago the exercise feature was 15 rounds in 15 minutes. The basic premise was to take 4 exercises and attempt to complete 15 rounds of those exercises starting with 1 rep and ending with 15 reps for each exercise. When YHC saw this, […]

Epicenter 6/2/2020

10 men posted at the Epicenter and witnessed Mr Bean’s triumphant return to the gloom and also witnessed a very rare Detour bootcamp post. Men were still rolling in right at 5:15 so I gave everyone a minute to get together, stated the disclaimer and got us started. Quick Warmup- 25 SSHs/25 Grasscutters IC The […]

The Day We Survived Yesterday

YHC signed up for the Q in hopes that Cyclone would post for his first time since the 5yr convergence.  As I pulled up to the AO, only DC and BenGay were there.  I hopped out and made the comment, “so much for Cyclone posting.”  It was 0514.  And then he pulls in leading BeanO […]

Party Like It’s 2015

YHC was not a part of the initial launch of F3Greenwood in 2015 but was honored to be a part of the Co-Q as we celebrate 5 years of F3 in Greenwood. YHC has been a part of this thing we call F3 for a little over 2 years thanks to an invite from Sunshine […]

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a BLIMP!

And we’re back a the center of it all. The Epicenter is back open for business and YHC had the Q. It had been a while so a return to Flossy’s Hill was a must on the weinke. Twitter was pretty quiet the night before so YHC wasn’t sure what kind of crowd to expect […]