F3 Greenwood

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Pull-ups, Push-ups, V-ups

Single Line for Indian Run, all the way to Tennis Courts where the following was completed:

SUICIDE SPRINTS out to the far line, staying on one court, upon return to starting point each time, work was done, as follows –

Round 1: 5 Burpees (total of 20)

Round 2: 10 Jungle Bois (total of 40)

Round 3: 15 Push-ups (total of 60)

Round 4: 20 Air Squats (total of 80)

Line back up, Indian Run reverse route to pull-up bars and complete:


Pull-ups, Push-ups, V-ups

Closed it out with 30 LBC’s

Pothole was there as well, he graciously provided the tunes for the morning.

I (again) shared importance of living the Golden Rule (of which I struggle with daily) and prayed us out.