F3 Greenwood

Conditions: Hot & Muggy

Music: Playlist based off of Golden Earring’s song Radar Love

Disclaimer: Given

The WarmUp: Mosey to the coupon cage and then to the corner of the soccer field closest to the parking lot.


Set #1 Perform 50 LBC’s at the fence, lunge walk to your coupon, approx. 30yds away, then perform 50 Curls.  Then mosey to the parallel dip bars and perform 10 Gary Specials, aka rocky situps, then mosey back to your coupon.  Perform 50 Curls, lunge walk back to the fence and then perform 50 LBC’s.  There’s a pattern in case you didn’t notice.

Set #2 Same pattern. Leg Raises>lunge walk>KB Swings>Gary Specials>KB Swings>lunge walk>Leg Raises

Set #3 Same pattern.  Gas Pumpers>lunge walk>Bench Presses (block vertical)>Gary Specials>Bench Presses(bv)>lunge walk>Gas Pumpers

Practice BB StandUp Sit Ups

10 IC Merkins

Put the blocks up.


Announcements: Sasquatch 8/1 & 8/8; F3ClassicCity (Athens?) sometime in Sept.

Prayer Requests/Praise Reports: Quickie’s recovery

NMM: There was a fair amount of talk about Gary, his braided leather belt, and his unique method of torturous situps.  Dash said that he posted specifically because he knew that I was the Q.  Not sure how true this is, but it made YHC’s heart so happy that Foreclosure’s playlist almost replaced Radar Love as a gesture of appreciation.  Figuring that Dash may be thankful, but Tweeter wouldn’t it was decided not to audible the tunes.  YHC also envsioned being scorned by Enciopan about not keeping it pg13.  In other real news, sources would have surely reported the stretched & murdered Navigator on 24′ chromies that was creepin on da come up blasting 36’s Tear Da Club Up.  Yeah, if you’d have posted you’d already know that. Until the next episode…

JKS _ Alpo