F3 Greenwood

YHC always puts my shoes on sat on the back steps.  In toe was a bluetooth speaker, keys, wallet, socks, shoes, and insoles…and a phone…or not.

Upon remembering Toothpick was set to attend, YHC wanted to remove all cuss word songs from the play list – since Back 9 posted even more so.  While at a red light…there was no phone.  Green light…drive safely, but the phone could not be found.  Oh well.  Relied on Ben Gay for recovery time.

5:14, disclaimer

5:15, mosey to coupon cage, Ben Gay noticed a new flood light installed.  Nice.

Warm up: 20 SSH IC, 20 Straight plank leg raises IC, 20 Side plank leg raises IC – right and left.

Werk: 1. 3 sets of 6s.  At pavilion curlpress/bent over row, big boi/goblet squat, mosey to pull up bar for 3rd set pull ups/merkins.  Took us to about 5:35.  2. AMRAP until recover: 5 Thursters, 10 Man Makers, 15 Kettle bell swings, 20 leg raises, 25 Merkins.

Return Coupons, mosey to flag for COT

Countarama in reverse direction, Nameorama in reverse direction.

Announcements: July Gray Matter Challenge…pffft, Q sheet is wide open

Prayer Requests: Koby’s mother, Blu’s grandchild’s birth.

See you Thursday at Talon.

Fo’ ShiZZie mY niZZie kEEps mY arM SO gReeZie.