F3 Greenwood

6 posted at the Epicenter for a cool, moist workout in the gloom.

5:15- YHC had to reluctantly interrupt Pothole’s intelligence gathering conversation with Beano concerning the young man who has been spending some time around his 2.0 lately.

Disclaimer was given and we got to work.

Warmup at the shovelflag-

20 SSHs

20 Grass Cutters

20 Mountain Climbers

As we finished the warmup, Detour rolled up and gave us an even 6 pax.

We moseyed to the playground and waited for Detour to catch up. Pothole got the tunes going and we got to work.

3 sets of 5-10-15-20

5 pull-ups

10 dips

15 merkins

20 BB situps

Plank for the 6.

We moseyed to the basketball court and partnered up for the next round.

3 rounds of each set:

Set 1:

P1- Hold Squat position

P2-Bearcrawl to end of basketball and mosey back. Flapjack.

Set 2:


P2- Lunge walk to end of basketball court and mosey back. Flapjack

Set 3:

P1- 6″ hold

P2: Karaoke to end of basketball court and back. Flapjack.

Mosey to the Gazebo to squeeze in the last few minutes of fun before 6.

3 Sets of 10-20-30

10 Decline Merkins

20 Box jumps(or Step ups)

30 tabletop leg raises

We practiced some pistol squats while waiting on the 6.

Everyone finished up right at 6 and recover was called. We moseyed back to the flag for COT.


Make-up running of the Sasquatch this Saturday(Aug 8) at the YMCA.

Prayer Requests:

Quickie’s continued recovery from surgery.

Those in our group and community affected by COVID.

We closed in prayer.

Despite the rain last night and the soggy conditions, it was an ideal morning to post and I could not have asked for a higher caliber group of men to be surrounded by this morning. Good job today, boys.

Dixie Chick