F3 Greenwood

2 Hills and one chilly #Beatdown

7 pax braved the cold outdoors and awoke from their cozy #Fartsacks to take on the #FountainHead run #HillsAreAlive edition. It is December and the Christmas lights line the start and finishing stretches so 32* really isn’t too bad! I mean pax were wearing shorts! It can’t be that cold! Let’s roll! Disclaimer  The Main […]

So where ya going to tommorrow?

11 PAX rolled out of bed to tackle Uncle Jesse’s first Q at the Epicenter since before the split.  I woke this morning to the news of STP front man, Scott Weiland’s death.  I remember when and where I was the first time I saw the video for “Plush”.  It’s well documented the troubles that Scott had with addiction.  That […]

All Skate, Backwards Skate

Weather:  54 and foggy (you don’t need long sleeves and a knit cap, Pusher) Disclaimer: YHC forgot this part, but nobody got hurt. It’s all good. 18 PAX made the decision to get better today at the weekly Starbucks 5K Run.  This weekly run began on June 18, 2015 (with 6  PAX on that date) […]

On the Fly

Conditions 49* F and Foggy Disclaimer YHC is not a professional as will be painfully obvious in just a few short seconds. Warm up 21 SSH IC 30 LBACs IC forward and backward 20 Imperial walkers IC 10 Burpee’s OYO 30 LBCs OYO Five minute plank +1 minute of up/down plank (full plank to elbow […]

Looks like Christmas, Feels Like Easter…..

YHC is posting for Dixie Chick, who stepped up to Q this morning! Way to step up! Hope everyone can “step up” and lead a workout.  Here is Dixie Chick’s BB: Weather: Unseasonably Warm! 59* 20 PAX posted on the Monday following Thanksgiving for the weekly “out-and-back”. Two of those PAX, Flossy and Judge Judy, posted […]

Four Quarters of Work

Six PAX decided to get better today. Since F3 Greenwood split into two AO’s, YHC has not Q’d at the Epicenter; therefore, it was a treat to be back. It so happens that today is Rivalry Week for many college football teams, so a few footballs were obtained.  Throughout this week, many thoughts and ideas ran […]

“Wake me up, before you go go”

13 jitterbugs “awoke” and descended upon the Shipyard for a ROTC inspired workout courtesy of one of YHC’s best friends, Major Brian Pinson.  The Major was supposed to join us this morning, but due to the Citadel’s playoff game in Myrtle Beach he bowed out.  That said, the workout went on.  The “Awakening” is the name of […]

Turkey Day Rumble

A few weeks ago YHC had a plan to workout with all the F3Greenwood PAX and have a lot of fun together as well.  YHC had read on other BB around F3Nation about the PAX playing Ultimate with a little twist, penalty for dropping the Frisbee :). So a plan was made and YHC took […]

All You Can Rep Buffet

24 PAX showed up on a clear and very cold November morning for a pre-Thanksgiving all you can rep buffet. Disclaimer – I am not a professional, push yourself to get better, but don’t push beyond your limits Warm-Up SSH x10, ic Imperial Walker x10, ic Merkin x 10, ic LBC x10, ic The Thang […]

The Frost was on the Punkin…

COLD! 32* 14 Pax posting. 4 pax, Flossy, Meter Maid, Judge Judy, and Meatloaf simply can’t get enough, SO they post at 5 am for the XL run! Good onya fellas! I hear Meatloaf christened the Hess station along the way. I know how you feel brother…thank God the place is open early!! The rest […]