F3 Greenwood

Weather:  54 and foggy (you don’t need long sleeves and a knit cap, Pusher)

Disclaimer: YHC forgot this part, but nobody got hurt. It’s all good.

18 PAX made the decision to get better today at the weekly Starbucks 5K Run.  This weekly run began on June 18, 2015 (with 6  PAX on that date) with the exact same route…every….single….time.  We are all creatures of habit and our bodies have become used to a slow steady climb the first mile, a gradual decent on the second mile and a mixed third mile, some downhill, but then a steep hill in front of Sportsbreak before a “flat” return to Starbucks.

This week was different. YHC decided to shake things up a bit  and announced that we would run the route backwards.  Not physically backwards (as Kobayashi demonstrated), but to simply run the designated route in reverse.   Surprisingly, there was not much mumblechatter.  In fact, Meatloaf was quick to offer his support.  With that being said, we took off on the following route:

From the Starbucks parking lot, we turned left on the By-Pass and an immediate right onto Hwy. 25.  We turned right and enjoyed a downhill run by Sportsbreak, turned left onto the By-Pass and took another left by Auto-Zone and into the Publix Parking lot — except Dugger, who continued straight, which proves he either (1) wasn’t paying attention or (2) not following directions.  We jogged by Lowe’s, the theater and turned right by the CountyBank and turned back onto the By-pass all the way to Starbucks.

In the end, it proved to be a much different route than most expected, but it wasn’t a bad thing. In fact, there were a few PR’s!

Count-O-Rama: We had 18, including one FNG

Announcements:  There are a couple 5K’s this Saturday, so PAX will have the opportunity to Double Down, if desired.

Blue Print reminded everyone that the Kettle Bell  Swing Ringing will take place on December 12. Let him know if you can help.

Juggernaut will be speaking at the GHS gymnasium for their FCA. Good luck, Juggernaut!

Prayer Requests:

Juggernaut’s wife continues to need our prayers as she’s trying a new chemo regimen;

Sherri Chandlers father is in the hospital and needs prayers;

Judge Hairy’s neighbor.

YHC closed in prayer. 

Great run, guys!  Let’s keep this group growing.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judge Judy