F3 Greenwood

Laps, Reps and Burpees

When YHC signed up for this Q, I wanted to challenge the PAX with difficult exercises, but at the same time keep the heart rate going.  Pretty sure the plan came to fruition. Conditions – Clear skies, fairly warm, and temps around 61 degrees.  A crowd of 11 Pax were on hand for the morning’s fun. […]

The Bear Crawl Lives On

When I pulled up to the Shipyard this morning, I must admit I was a little worried. There were only two cars in the lot with only a few minutes until go time. Thankfully some of the Shipyard regulars showed up for what I think was a pretty good beatdown. I decided to recycle some […]

Flip Flop’n bear crawling fun on the Concrete Monster

The #SF was pounded into the ground and 18 men gathered ’round this morning and joined YHC for some flip flop’n on the concrete monster. Included in on this full-body makeover was some much needed bear crawling…up and down the hill, a core chain tune up, and a few other things sprinkled in. Disclaimer COP: SSH X 20 […]

Simply Pushed

YHC made it simple this morning. Weekday and all, no props, no music, just getting it done. Warm up all in cadence: SSH x 15 IW x 15 LBAC and Overhead claps x 10 Airsquats x10 curls x20 triceps x 20 overhead press x 10 bent over rows x 20 Jog thru stadium rows and […]

Not a chill to the winter but a nip to the air

8 PAX showed up for a rather chilly workout at the Shipyard.  YHC agreed to take on the Q and anticipated a light crowd due to the F3 Dad’s campout across the way.  That said, a strong 8 settled in for a solid workout.  It went like this: Warmup 26 SSH IC 30 Burpees and […]

The Matrix Reloaded at Shipyard

21 pax decided to take their #DRP and post for YHC’s last Q of his self proclaimed Birthday Q week. The Shipyard is where it would happen and it would be a Reloaded  version of the Matrix from last year. All that was needed was a +1 to the reps and off we go. Let’s […]

5 Points – Alcohol Free

YHC wasn’t sure what to do for his VQ, but wanted something to push all the Pax and hit different areas of the body. After a consultation with Mr. Bean, I decided to use a format from one of his Q’s, but change the reps and exercises up a little. Not sure if everyone agrees, […]

SeatDown BeatDown

This BB is posted by Sugar, on behalf of SeatDown…the tardiness is complete on the shoulders of Sugar, SeatDown was prompt on emailing 13 Pax showed up do the beat down by Seatdown. YHC wanted to do a variation workout with not a lot of arm work, considering we had that Tuesday. So I figured […]

Substituting at the Shipyard

In all my years of teaching, I have learned that when one walks into an unfamiliar classroom in order to keep unnecessary mumble chatter at a minimum one must keep the students engaged and busy. I carried this experience with me to the Shipyard on Saturday AM. When Sugar graced the Epicenter with his presence […]

Piddler VQ – Toasted Shoulders

22 pax posted for a VQ Block Party at the Shipyard. Work was done and shoulders are toasted. Conditions: A cool clear 49° Disclaimer: Given at the start of the COP COP: 20 SSH IC 20 LBAC IC (front and back) 20 OH Claps IC 20 Grass Cutters The THANG Grab a coupon and line […]