When I pulled up to the Shipyard this morning, I must admit I was a little worried. There were only two cars in the lot with only a few minutes until go time. Thankfully some of the Shipyard regulars showed up for what I think was a pretty good beatdown. I decided to recycle some elements from my Q at the Epicenter earlier this week with a couple alterations. Here’s how it went down:
Conditions: A clear, cool 50*
Imperial Walkers- 20 IC
LBACs- 20 of each IC: Forward, Backward, Overhead Claps, Front Claps, Moroccan Night Clubs
Grasscutters- 20 IC
Flutter kicks- 20 IC
Burpees- 10 OYO
The Thang:
Pair up and grab one coupon per pair for some Flora Dora:
Work is cumulative. Partner 1 pumps out reps while P2 bearcrawls 20 yards, does 5 hand release merkins, runs back. Switch.
100 Kettle bell swings
200 Curls
300 Chest presses
200 Bent over rows
100 Overhead Presses
21s- Plankjacks/Mountain Climbers
PAX line up on sideline. Do 1 Plankjack, run to other sideline, do 20 Mtn Climbers. Run back. Increase Plankjacks by one each round and decrease Mtn. Climbers by 1 each round. Always 21 total reps.
Time Called
Name-o-Rama: Welcome Round Up’s 2.0, Spectracide
-Zombie Run today at Camp Fellowship 9AM
-Habitat for Humanity volunteer opportunity Nov 18. See Pusher for details.
-Read the newsletter
Prayer Requests: Rocky, Blue Ball, Mac n Cheese
I usually post at The Epicenter during the week, but the Shipyard is my weekend AO. The biggest difference between the two that I see is the amount of mumblechatter. Workouts are considerably quieter when Polly is not around.
The Bear Crawl has become the unofficial official Shipyard exercise. Future Qs, find a way to work it in. It’s always a crowd pleaser.
I think I want to add my new favorite exercise to the Exicon. In the COP I have found that I really like the LBAC combo that I have been using. Using all five movements creates some serious shoulder burn. As a good Democrat, I think this should be named “Feel the Bern”
Spectracide is a bearcrawling machine! The little man came out and worked hard the whole time! #tclaps for showing out on your first time out!
Great work today men! It was an honor and pleasure to serve my fellow PAX. Thank you for the opportunity to lead this morning.
Dixie Chick