This BB is posted by Sugar, on behalf of SeatDown…the tardiness is complete on the shoulders of Sugar, SeatDown was prompt on emailing
13 Pax showed up do the beat down by Seatdown. YHC wanted to do a variation workout with not a lot of arm work, considering we had that Tuesday. So I figured the lap around the school with stops at the different pain stations would be perfect.
Weather was cool but comfortable.
Mosey to flag at front of school.
Disclaimer given.
Warm up: SSH 25 IC, mountain climbers 15 IC, Imperial Walkers 20IC.
Partner up 1’s & 2’s. Mosey to parking lot.
Pax 1 Al Gore while Pax 2 runs to end of parking lot and does 7 merchins and back. Flip Flop. We did this 3 times.
Mosey to the wall for some wall sits.
Pax 1 sits on wall while Pax 2 does 15 Jungle boy squats. Flip Flop. We did this 3 times.
Mosey to patio at back of school.
Pax 1 does box jumps while Pax to planks. 3 rounds of 20,15,10.
Mosey to bottom of Concrete Monster.
Pax 1 does Flutter kicks while Pax 2 runs to the top, does 5 merchins and returns. Flip Flop. We only did this 2 times due to time.
Mosey to coupon stack.
Grab 1 coupon per team. Line up on sideline of field for modified Dora. Pax 1 run to other side of field and do 10 WW1 sit ups and run back. Pax 2 does work on sideline. 3 rounds. 1st round is 50 man makers, 2nd round is 100 squat thrusters, 3rd round is 150 Alpo’s.
Everyone pushed hard to complete the work just before recover was called. Return coupons and circle up at shovel flag.
Announcements : F3 Dads camp out Oct 21-22, FCA community breakfast November 10.
Count and names.
Prayer requests: Algae’s mother.
Mumble chatter was kept to a minimum today which is normal for the Shipyard. I did hear some pax saying they were glad we were not working on arms because of piddlers Beatdown Tuesday. As we started the man makers YHC thought it was gonna take to long to do 50, so I changed it to 30. But the machine, Baby Blue, and his partner Stink Bait was already at 40. So tclaps to those guys for doing the 50. Also Peg Leg worked hard and pushed through the pain of leg work. All the guys worked hard and pushed one another to get better. Thanks for allowing me to lead a workout with this awesome group of men we call F3. Until next time, keep pushing! SeatDown