F3 Greenwood

Burning Off Some Leftovers at the Shipyard

Conditions: A clear, cool morning in the high 30s. Mosey from the parking lot to the practice field. Circle up, Disclaimer given so let’s get started. COP Imperial Walkers 25 IC LBACs-forward, backward, overhead claps, front claps, Moroccan night clubs) 25 each IC #crowdpleaser Grass Cutters 25 IC Mountain Climbers 25 IC The THANG Partner […]

Confession Time

This BB was always gonna be named Confession Time because of some stories shared from SeatDown (more on that later), but first I must confess that this BB is now 3 days late, and that is unacceptable, especially for the AOQ. Disclaimer WarmUp Performed on the move while completing a lap around the track, stopping […]


Three things that ALWAYS tell the truth: Conditions: Freezing Disclaimer was given in the parking lot as the flag was snatched up and we moseyed to the practice field. COP Modified Sun Salutation (yoga) 60 SSH 40 Mtn. Climbers 20 Imperial walkers 30 LBAC 40 Flutter Kicks 10 Merkins (on my call) The Thang Coupon […]

Hold my Beer and watch me write this Workout

Conditionds were just right. Disclaimer was short. I are not professional. Mosey to the practice field. Warmup: 50 SSH In Cadence 50 LBAC (forward and reverse) In Cadence 50 Flutter Kicks In Cadence 20 Imperial Walkers In Cadence 20 Squats In Cadence 10 Merkins (on my call) 20 Monkey Humpers (on my call) 20 Mahktar […]

Must have been pre-school… because it started with a nap

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm15rvkifPc&w=560&h=315] For the record: YHC had no clue he was going to be writing this backblast prior to the work starting. Times, numbers,and exercises may or may not have actually happened. With that disclaimer out of the way… When the Q tweets out the night before Old-school, new-school, pre-school. Don't matter BeatDown coming! How […]

The Forgotten

It seems just about every part of this workout was forgotten, including this backblast. Pusher tried to encourage some variation and Chubbs refused to push forward until YHC found his weinke. The search continues. Perhaps this is what the #BluePill is before. Maybe some of the older pax know. Seven of the faithful gathered for […]

Time Keeps on Ticking

11 pax gather for Mac&Cheese VQ….posted by Sugar on behalf of Mac WarmUp 20 SSH IC 20 Cut the grass IC 10 LBACs F/R IC 20 Squats OYO 10 Merkins OYO Grab a coupon head to the goal line Thing 1 21/15/9 21 Wide Arm Merkins 15 Merkins 9 Diamond Merkins Sprint to the 50 […]

It’s All About Me

For those of you that know YHC you know that me acting or saying it’s all about me is the furthest from what I want to say or do. Well apparently in trying to give a disclaimer that I had a slight injury and had programmed the workout to avoid said injury I apparently implied […]

Battleship Sails Again

It was the 1st Saturday of the month, which had to mean that TheBattlehsip was once again setting sail. The 14 working pax put in all the effort they had to sink the ship, while one paparazzi pax documented the effort with audio, video and still photography. Alas, the 3rd sailing of TheBattleship proved to […]

Bear Crawl is Alive and Well

Disclaimer Given. Mosey to the field and circle up for the COP with a coupon. COP 5 MAN MAKERS OYO 20 LBAC IC 20 LBAC IN REVERSE IC 20 OH CLAPS IC 20 FRT CLAPS IC 10 Man Makers OYO Partner up for some DORA. Main Thang LINEUP ON GOAL LINE WITH THE COUPON DORA […]