F3 Greenwood

For those of you that know YHC you know that me acting or saying it’s all about me is the furthest from what I want to say or do. Well apparently in trying to give a disclaimer that I had a slight injury and had programmed the workout to avoid said injury I apparently implied that the workout was all about me. That is interesting because a point I wanted to make today was that we should not make everything about us. The workout I planned was going to be boring and monotonous but life is that way sometimes and we have to press on and keep leading with excellence and effort.

Conditions were cool a little brisk even

Disclaimer given but an epic fail on YHC part

Mosey to the Practice Field and circle up

As always lately YHC has to displace his excellent skill at calling cadence and performing IW. I will have these in all of my future Q’s just for the mumblechatter they create.

Speaking of mumblechatter it was flowing fairly well at the Shipyard today.

IW 15 IC (YHC completed 32)
LBAC 15 IC Forward and Backward

Grab to coupons and line up on the goal line on the Astro Turf

Heel Taps for the 6

21 – Curls
15 – Bent Rows
9 – Tricep Ext
Run to the 50
30 – Chest Press
Run to Goal Line and Rinse and Repeat for 15 min

21 – Overhead Press
15 – Pull Overs
9 – Kettle Bell
Run to the 50
10 – We’re Not Worthy
Run to Goal Line and Rinse and Repeat for 15 min

Black Jack

Goal Line perform 20 Alpo’s
Run to the 50
1 – Front Press
Run back to the Goal line 19 Alpo’s
Run to the 50
2 – Front Press
…….. 15 min time limit

100 – Chest Press

Return the coupons and circle up at the flag

Countorama – 16 PAX


Dec. 3 Christmas Party at Sugar’s
See Newsletter (Kobyoshai is doing a great job with the newsletter btw)

Prayer & Praise
Rocky good report but still long fight left
Families in town
Juggernaut M

In closing I shared that I don’t care hard you work out here at the workout if you’re not putting forth the same or more effort at home. If you’re not leading your wife and kids it doesn’t matter what you’re doing at a workout. We talk all the time about choosing the hard thing and taking the DRP. We need to be taking the DRP and choosing the hard thing by leading our wives and kids. Its not always easy, marriage is hard, life is hard, raising kids is hard but its worth it and they deserve our best and attention. We are called to take up our cross and daily follow Christ and that’s not always easy. I have brother struggling and potentiality walking way away from his marriage and it makes me sick. But he didn’t get to this point over night, slowly over time we begin to drift until we are far from Christ and left to our own devices and out own thoughts. Check yourself today men. Take a hard look at yourself. Are you putting forth effort in leading your wife and kids? Are you denying yourself and putting them first. Are you choosing the hard thing or are you just doing what is easy and comfortable for you? I’m here for you, I’m praying for you, I’m encouraging you. Love you brothers!

YHC Closed in Prayer