F3 Greenwood

22 pax posted for a VQ Block Party at the Shipyard. Work was done and shoulders are toasted.

A cool clear 49°

Given at the start of the COP

20 LBAC IC (front and back)
20 OH Claps IC
20 Grass Cutters

Grab a coupon and line up on the goal line. Carry your coupon with you as it will be needed for all exercises. We’re going goal line to goal line and back. Every 10 yards stop and do 10 reps of Exercise A. When you reach the other goal line, turn around and come back, stopping every 10 yards for Exercise B. Repeat with exercises below for rounds 2, 3, & 4.
Round 1:
Exercise A: Overhead Presses
Exercise B: Alpo’s (Trap Pulls)
Round 2:
Exercise A: Kettlebell Swings
Exercise B: Chest Presses
Round 3:
Exercise A: Tricep Extensions
Exercise B: Curls
Round 4:
Exercise A: Manmakers
Exercise B: Bentover Rows
It appeared that most everyone made it into Round 4 but no one completed the manmakers. Sugar was closest but YHC decided to call time before Pothole could catch with him.


-F3 Dads Campout Oct 21-22 at Connie Maxwell
-Fundraiser tomorrow at Starbucks for Hurricane Matthew relief in Haiti. (Clover’s Corner is closed)

Prayer Requests
-Woodpecker’s cousin in the hospital
-Praise report – Blueprint’s son had a tree fall on his car while he was driving. The car was crushed but thankfully, he came away with only a few scratches.
-Judge Hairy at MUSC today looking for answers about his seizures
-Snookie’s sister’s newborn baby is in the hospital with kidney problems

-YHC finally decided to step up and Q a workout after months and months of putting it off. This workout was a spinoff of one of the first bootcamps YHC attended where Flossy put us through a full body beatdown. YHC obviously decided to focus on the upper body.
-Mumblechatter was fairly minimal today, at least until we got to the manmakers. That’s when Trav seemed to come to life. YHC is convinced that Trav will one day Q a workout where it’s nothing but manmakers.
-Spud was the only pax that got to work out in the spotlight today when one of the non-F3 runners leaving the track cranked up their car. When the headlights hit him he showed perfect form on the tricep extensions.
-It was an honor to lead the workout today for such a great group. I truly wish I had stepped up earlier. I encourage those who haven’t taken that step yet to talk with some of the veteran guys and get signed up. That’s the next step in #gettingbetter. I’ll definitely be stepping up again soon (maybe with a more shoulder friendly workout).

Piddler out.