F3 Greenwood

The 6 Rings of Christmas and Chili on Cinnamon Rolls

YHC signed up to Q this morning a couple of weeks ago to get back in the groove of posting after being gone for the past week or so. And while YHC got some workouts in on vacation, there’s nothing like coming home and getting back out in the gloom with the PAX and YHC […]

Something Catchy Here

Weather:  Perfect.  Cold and Frosty One Min Warning:  Done Disclaimer:  Done Warmup: 25 SSH IC 25 MT CLIMBERS IC Work: Grab coupon and line up on goal line. 25 lunges (count one leg) – 25 merkin block drags – 25 freddie mercuries Rifle carry to the 50 yd line 25 burpees – 25 chest presses […]

9 Flipped and Dragged their way around Talon

9 PAX beasted their way through the BC this morning at Talon. YHC was waiting for a good day when the football field wasn’t too wet or frosty to put those tires to work and today was the day. Disclaimer was given, although only 5 PAX heard it since the remaining 4 rolled in in […]


Conditions: 45* F with light breeze Disclaimer: Given just as the AOQ, Former Nantan, and the Run AOQ showed up from a 2 mile mosey. Warm-up: All Exercises performed in cadence. 50 SSH 10 Imperial Walkers 10 Hill Billies 10 Spiderman Mountain Climbers Modified Sun Salutation (not in cadence) The Thang: Round 1- Grab a […]

Another Late Backblast– Talon 11/23/2019

4 men decided that the rain would not be enough to keep them from posting. Since it has been a while, I don’t remember all of the details from the morning, but I do remember the work prescribed and the solid effort the men put forth. Disclaimer given at 6 and we got started. 25 […]

Talon gets a taste of 1550

11 guys showed up at Talon to take on a Saturday bootcamp courtesy of YHC.  DC and I were planning for a pre-BC mosey so i wanted to make sure the bootcamp delivered some high impact work that gave muscles something the think about.  So it was determined to give them something i knew would […]

Dora…….the Trilogy

YHC looks at the forecast and based on the rain we’ve been blessed with the past couple of days, planned a workout to stay off of the football field and provide some coverage if necessary. Thankfully, the weatherman was wrong, AGAIN and the wet stuff stayed away until COT time. I think it was supposed […]

30 for 30… and no whining.

One Minute Warning: Given The “No Whining” disclaimer was given: This is a free, volunteer, peer-led workout. YHC is not a professional. YHC no knowledge of any injuries or fitness considerations PAX may have. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each PAX to be safe and modify exercises as deemed appropriate. The Warmup: (line up […]

” Deck of Death”

Warm up 20 SSH 20 Cut the grass The Thang Its been a while since I’ve played cards so here we go. All Pax grabbed a block. Draw cards from  104-card deck plus 4 Jokers. Each card drawn determines which exercise to do and the number of reps. Suit determines the exercise: Hearts = Merkins […]

A little bit of everything

Conditions – Cold Warmup – 35 SSH in cadence 25 Imperial Walkers 25 Hill Billies 25 Arm Circles The Thang: Grab a coupon and mosey over to the retaining wall in the parking area. Round 1: 50 Right leg step ups 25 Curls 25 Over Head Presses 50 Left leg step ups 25 Curls 25 […]