9 PAX beasted their way through the BC this morning at Talon. YHC was waiting for a good day when the football field wasn’t too wet or frosty to put those tires to work and today was the day.
Disclaimer was given, although only 5 PAX heard it since the remaining 4 rolled in in the middle of the warm-up.
Weather – perfect December morning.
SSH x 25
10 merkins
IW x 20
10 merkins
Cut the grass x 20
10 merkins
LBAC forward x 20 and reverse x 20
10 merkins
Front claps x 15 and OH claps x 15
10 merkins
Partner up with the PAX next to you. One PAX go secure 2 coupons and mosey to the goal line while the other PAX moseys to the tires and lays them out on the sideline of the endzone. All PAX met at the goal line with the coupons for instructions.
Flipping Farmer Carry
The PAX at the goal line completed 25 merkins and then farmer carried both blocks to the 50. At the 50, PAX did 25 merkins and then resumed the farmer carry to the goal line. While PAX was doing this, the other member of the team flipped the tire to the opposite sideline of the endzone. (For future reference, not all Talon tires are created equal.) When both members of the team reached the corner of the endzone, they changed roles. After the tire and coupons were returned to their starting place, both members of the team moseyed around the field and changed roles. This was repeated so that each PAX flipped the tire the length of the endzone twice.
We then moseyed with our coupon in various positions to the playground to the side of the school.
Pull-ups and goblet squats
Start with 10 pull-ups and 1 goblet squat. Each time reduce number of pull-ups and increase goblet squat by 1 until 1 pull-up and 10 goblet squats were done. Due to numbers, some PAX started with goblet squats instead.
Mosey to the concrete pad to the side of the playground.
Merkin coupon drags and Squat to a front press
Start with 10 merkin coupon drags and 1 squat to a front press. Each time decrease coupon drags by 1 and increase squat to a front press by 1 until PAX completed 1 coupon drag and 10 squats to a front press.
Recover was called and coupons were returned to the pile however the PAX wanted to get it there.
-Christmas party at Blu’s house on 12/14 at 6:00. Bring an appetizer or a dessert but don’t bring toothpicks.
-It’s that time of the year again to tip our favorite Starbucks baristas. Be on the lookout for that announcement.
Prayer Requests
-Bandwagon and his mission team who are doing His work in Boston this week.
-The effort today was off the charts for a difficult BC. To be honest, YHC didn’t realize that until we were in the middle but we all pushed through. SB and Inspector continue to bust the workouts out vested. Fatback is improving with each posting. Fatbacks 2.0, BaconBit, worked hard through our the workout and didn’t complain a bit. Pothole is getting stronger every time and some day YHC wants to be able to flip a tire like him. Foley, as usual, beasted the BC. Quickie doesn’t know it yet, but when he runs the Spartan in Asheville in July, he might beat us all. Cruiser rolled through the workout, especially the tire flip, with ease.
-YHC was waiting for a day to use those tires and glad that today was the day and YHC hopes that the other PAX enjoyed them as much as YHC did. One of those tires is definitely heavier than the other. YHC won’t spoil the surprise for those that weren’t there, you’ll have to find out for yourself.
-Mumblechatter was at a minimum and Foley didn’t quote any lines from “Dances with Wolves” this morning.
-YHC wanted to incorporate some different movements today and think that that was successful. The merkin plan drags are always a crowdpleaser and the squat to a front press is no joke. It’s always a pleasure to lead the men of F3Greenwood.
Until next time,