F3 Greenwood

Running Through the Fog

Conditions: Foggy 50* “Fog” by Carl Sandberg The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on. The PAX of F3 Greenwood gathered on a cool, foggy morning for the weekly Starbucks run. Disclaimer given with warning to look out for cars because of the […]

My fuel pump is runin

Disclaimer to 1….fog on the road run run run run run return count name and stuff prayers

Halloween Out-N-Back

Disclaimer You are here to get better. Push yourself dont hurt yourself. 10 pax told the fartsac this morning and ventutured out. Multiple routres were chosen some went xl ansome stuck the same route. 22.5 minutes out and 22.5 minutes back. Always a pleasure to lead and out and back. YHC has been out for […]

Hustle meets #REDFriday

7 Pax backed their way out of the Fartsack to introduce Hustle to a little #REDFriday special. Griff is a running Hero WOD that was created in honor of USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin. Since there’s no track at the Epicenter where #REDFriday calls home Griff is rarely called. Therefore YHC thought it would fit […]

A Return to the Hills

19 Pax made a return to the traditional hills on a warm Friday morning.  A few went out early to work on their distance. The Thang Disclaimer given and we headed out from the Fountain up Main St, left on W. Cambridge down the hill, up to the crest on the bridge, down the hill, left onto […]

Old Steam Engine!!!

      YHC arrived about 4:50 to see Old Faithful firmly planted at the Clover. The “run’n fool” Unclebuck was warming up. Figured I would join him and trotted around the GHS parking lot pre-run. Just the two of us we thought. Uncomfortable ball of man…..then Flossy pulls in to spare us. 4:59, one […]

Chilly Starbucks Run

Conditions: Clear, cold 43* It was a perfect morning for the weekly 5k/8k/10k/whatever distance Starbucks Run. Disclaimer was given at 5:15 and off we went on our respective routes to return by 6:00. COT CountoRama NameoRama Announcements: Zombie Run Oct 29 at Camp Fellowship benefiting Bowers-Rodgers Children’s Home. Contact Juggernaut if you have any questions. […]

1024 OnB

Disclaimer given, runin started….runin finished… weather was perfect…asphalt perfect…Perfect start to Monday and the week as always , it is a pleasure and honor to lead leaders

May I Have Another?

A group of six started the day at #hustle with a very slow warm up lap around the track. Somewhere during this lap, JudgeHairy showed up and joined in. Second lap consisted of springy high knees and carioca and also added 2 more pax (Alpo and SeatDown) who had originally posted at Terrapin but opted […]

Corncob VQ at Starbucks run!

Dixie Chick threw out a challenge on Slack Sunday afternoon about guys needing to step up and Q the run group. This is the product of that call and Corncob stepping up to lead the pax! #tclaps men. Looking forward to more! The following is from Corncob! 23 PAX gathered this morning at Starbucks to […]