F3 Greenwood

Conditions: Clear, cold 43*

It was a perfect morning for the weekly 5k/8k/10k/whatever distance Starbucks Run.

Disclaimer was given at 5:15 and off we went on our respective routes to return by 6:00.




Announcements: Zombie Run Oct 29 at Camp Fellowship benefiting Bowers-Rodgers Children’s Home. Contact Juggernaut if you have any questions.

Prayer Requests:

-Blue Ball and Rocky as they continue their treatments.

-Pooh Bear’s Father in Law recovering from a stroke.

-F3 brothers dealing with injuries, the daily grind of life, and all unspoken requests.

Closing Prayer

As always, it is an honor and pleasure to serve my F3 brothers. Thank you for the opportunity.

Dixie Chick