F3 Greenwood

7 Pax backed their way out of the Fartsack to introduce Hustle to a little #REDFriday special.

Griff is a running Hero WOD that was created in honor of USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin. Since there’s no track at the Epicenter where #REDFriday calls home Griff is rarely called. Therefore YHC thought it would fit right in at Hustle.

To read more about USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin click Here

Conditions: Clear sky’s and nice temps.

Disclaimer: Given as we moseyed to the track.

What’s on tap:

1 warm up lap
1 warm up lap where you run the curves regular and run the straights backwards

Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards

Duggar 0:11:52
Pacer 0:12:14
Meter Maid 0:12:46
Boy George 0:13:17
Dixie Chick 0:14:32
Pusher 0:15:45
Coffin 0:16:31

Run 1 cool down lap

400 meter repeats:
Sprint 400 meters
Walk a 1/4 lap cool down
Rinse and repeat

800 meter repeats
Sprint 800 meters
Walk a 1/2 lap cool down
Rinse and repeat

Recover and mosey to the Shovel Flag



* 11/18 Habitat for Humanity
* 12/3 Christmas party at Sugar’s

Prayer Request:
* Boy George’s Dad is having knee replacement Wednesday
* Pacer’s Father-n-Law’s recovery
* Pacer’s Wife plantar faciitis
* Coffin’s Mother-n-Law’s recovery
* Injured Pax
* Pax dealing with life

* Backwards run = crowd favorite
* Disclaimer: be careful when completing the backwards run and transitioning to forward running. Your legs may not cooperate.
* Several Pax posted to Hustle for the first time. Tclaps for stepping up and Red Lining!

As always

Until the next Q
MM is out