A group of six started the day at #hustle with a very slow warm up lap around the track. Somewhere during this lap, JudgeHairy showed up and joined in.
Second lap consisted of springy high knees and carioca and also added 2 more pax (Alpo and SeatDown) who had originally posted at Terrapin but opted for speed work instead of the always awkward 2 man BOM.
4 laps of 400 meters at greater than 5k pace – after each lap take a cool down period equal to approximately half the time it took to run the lap
2 laps of 800 meters at greater than 5k pace – after each lap take a cool down period equal to approximately half the time it took to run the lap
4 laps of 400 meters at greater than 5k pace – after each lap take a cool down period equal to approximately half the time it took to run the lap
As usual at #hustle, the only Mumblechatter is in the form of deep, heavy, very labored breathing