F3 Greenwood

Way too late BB

YHC completely dropped the ball on getting this backblast out in a timely manner.  My apologies for that. 10 pax arrived at the fountain by car/truck/van.  Puddin ran through the AO and went XL.  Sloth ran from home, then ran with the group.  12 pax total ran various routes.  Work was done and all got […]

Inaugural Panera Bread run

Hello out there. Our Wednesday run is very simple.  We just show up and run.  Some PAX go XL, some go XXL and some simply do the 5K.  Some attempt to #redline or PR, while others simply walk.  Anything goes at this run. But, in the end, we all get in work and gather together […]

No Respect with the Fartlekers and Out-N-Backers

It was a very cool, crisp morning signifying that fall is right around the corner.  It was almost a perfect morning for a run.   18 F3Greenwood PAX apparently realized the conditions were ideal and decided to gather at the fountain in Uptown Greenwood. Interestingly, there were no one in the RESPECT category, which made […]

Friday Fountain OnB

Conditions: Perfect for a early morning run. 8 pax met at the Uptown Fountain to get in some of the last miles of the week. Disclaimer given at 5:15 and off we went.   Several different routes and distances were covered today, but everyone put in some good, quality work. We all returned by 6 […]

The Goat Track

With less than 2 weeks left before it’s go time for the BRR, YHC felt the need to get in as much work as possible at the Goat Track. So what better way to commit than to take the Q. A route was published the night before just incase any of the runners were looking […]

Spartan Totality

Spartan Hustle #2 Disclaimer…..given Lets get right to it… Make a lap around the perimeter of Shipyartand adjoining parking lots…upon returning to starting point, grab a bucketOgravel and perform “bucket brigade”…at the end of 2nd lap, “hook up” to the tire and pull down and back up main driveway…at the end of 3rd lap, perform […]

Honest feelings on Runin

I disclaimerd and we ran we returned safely, counted, named, prayed The above mentioned honest feelings… when YHC began running (15 or so years ago) I weighed 300lbs…running started simply to maintain some weight loss…running fairly quickly became a strong thread in the fabric of my life…running became a stream of consciousness in my daily […]

The Big Race

First things first, the count was actually 32, not 31 as reported… As often happens in this group, some trash talking took place on Tuesday after a boot camp at StarBucks…I imagine as per usual , said trash talk probably did not originate w the two racers but with someone else that said “Hey, I’d […]

Steamy Out-N-Back

A solid 12 pax gathered for a steamy sweat-fest run through the Wood.  A few BRR pairs met up and headed out early, some did the normal Out-N-Back, and one (Dixie Chick) ran out and limped back…feel better brother. Conditions:  Warm and muggy Disclaimer:  Be careful, watch for cars The Thing: Run as far as […]

Spartan or death

Hustle has been invaded by Spartans…we will occupy the AO until some runners show up and run us off…after a quick disclaimer, the invasion started like this… the battle field = concrete monster,  adjoining hill and practice field… the weapons = a large tire and rope, couple of buckets of gravel and a field covered […]