First things first, the count was actually 32, not 31 as reported…
As often happens in this group, some trash talking took place on Tuesday after a boot camp at StarBucks…I imagine as per usual , said trash talk probably did not originate w the two racers but with someone else that said “Hey, I’d like to see…..”
…..anyway, the result this time was Pusher taking on Puddin and since it was a somewhat close matchup, Puddin was only allowed a 7 min head start…..
With disclaimer issued the night before and morning of, as to cover ALL parties involved, the timer started and everyone was off….except for Puddin who milled around for 7 minutes kicking rocks or something….
When the timer hit 7 he was gone…caught Pusher on the Sports Break hill about a 1/2 mile to the finish and that was all I wrote….
promptly at 6 we circled, counted, named and prayed….several prayer requests were made including Thumpers 2.0…..
Congrats Puddin on a fast (6:30ish pace) run down
And congrats to MrBean on a fine fast pace PR of I believe 8:45 ….
Good work by all and until next time