F3 Greenwood

A couple of days ago…

….there was a run after a disclaimer that started at the Fountainhead where 11 guys met early in the morning to converse then run then converse some more…one guy did a “Meatloaf” workout before the run, one left really early for a modified OnB, one left early to do “the Bowl” solo, all put in […]

The Goat Track

As the BRR nears, everyone’s training program should be set and in motion. 4 Pax hit the Goat Track this morning to put in some work. Various Routes were run and Hills were climbed. We counted We called our names Announcements were made: *Laurens Launch Prayer Requests were made: * Continued Recovery for Josh Buchanan […]

Slippery When Wet

Wet conditions for Morning ‘Wood. Balmy 72 degrees with 72% humidity. Nothing that stopped 13 PAX from showing up to Run The Wood though. One minute warning was issued. Disclaimer was given. We were off at 0515. Several showed up early to get in some XL. Before we reached Seaboard, Bueller had faded into the […]

Late to bed, late to rise

  YHC has the Q and overslept again, this makes twice in as many weeks…clearly a sign I need to be going to bed earlier. Luckily, TheGoatTrack is about 2 minutes from my house and luckily, almost all pax had decided to meet before the official start time in order to get longer runs in. […]

Don’t stand around, you’ll leave a puddle

Disclaimer was given and we were off The humidity has returned making breathing “fun” again but everyone seemed to deal….Props to Leaner for continuing to post despite back issues…it was nice to see Coldfeet out n about …..it was good to be back in the gloom for a run It was sooo humid…..how humid was […]

Starbucks Run 8/2/17

30 posted at Starbucks for various distance runs and the best 2nd F in F3 Greenwood. Conditions: Perfect weather for a good run: mid 60s. Disclaimer given at 5:15 and off we went. Almost everyone returned by 6. COT:Counts, Names Announcements: Saturday Bootcamp is at the Shipyard this week. Next Saturday, August 12, is the […]

Great day for a run…..

16 pax packed the Fountain for a perfect fall morning in July. Low humidity and temps around 60 degrees greeted the pax. Being Monday, the route was primarily set. The disclaimer was given and off you go. Polly complained that YHC let the pax get started early but Verizon time is never wrong. Some pax […]

Hitting the Hills

8 BRR participants gathered for a nice run over the hills of the Goat Track. Some left early and ran a few more miles. Disclaimer given at 5:15 and off we went. Everyone returned by 6 and we got together for the COT. Count-o-rama Name-o-Rama Announcements Prayer Requests Closed in Prayer   The time for […]

Hot and Muggy O&B

  Conditions – HOT and humid and temperature (who knows, but it was muggy for sure).  A crowd of 13 PAX were on hand for this mornings O&B.   Disclaimer was given, although most PAX were talking and didn’t hear it.   We ran, several routes and distances, and all returned, although 3 did miss the BOM.   Count-o-Roma: 13   […]

7 different runs

7 pax arrived at the Uptown Greenwood fountain at various times this morning for a little run.  All pax seemingly left at different times, to run different distances, at different paces, on different routes.  But all safely returned at 0600 for the COT.  We  counted, named, announced, and prayed for Rocky and pax traveling on […]