10 out. 10 in.
10 PAX showed up to run today. 5:15 rolled around. YHC gave a disclaimer to be careful and to run cautiously. Most PAX were talking, so they didn’t hear the disclaimer. But, I did give a nice one this morning. We all ran. Some, father than others. But, we all returned. Which was good. We […]
The dazed and confused Q
8 pax descended on the Fountain for a little Friday Hills action. A warm and typically muggy morning greeted the pax. 2 pax went XL and 6 pax went for the hills. YHC decided earlier in the week that it was time for the original hills and a trip back to the bowl! Disclaimer was […]
“Don’t think of them as Hills; think of them as “mounds of opportunity!”
Everyone knows if you are late or absent to a meeting you are going to get “nominated” to head-up something. The same is apparently true for Run Q’s in the Wood. After picking Judge Hairy up ON TIME, YHC was on autopilot and was headed full-speed ahead to the Shipyard (why I do not know […]
Ridiculously Late
This backblast is ridiculously late. My apologies to those pax in attendance. I have no grand excuse or long, drawn out story for why it is late. I simply did not get it done as soon as I could have; life happened and it slipped through the cracks. Conditions were perfect for an early […]
The Big Race
The Main Event(s) With The Rabbit Chase being postponed it appeared that the Pax would be in for a regular Starbucks run day this week. Not that there’s anything wrong with that… But lucky for us a 2nd F session at Starbucks the previous day hatched the challenge of a spirited race between Mr. Bean […]
Goat Track
We showed up and ran The Goat Track on a hot and muggy morning and got better. We prayed for our brother Rocky and continue to pray for him. Great work put in by all 8 PAX in attendance. COT, BOM and YHC closed in Prayer
Post BBQ OnB Run
14 pax fought against the fartsack and came out for a post-bbq festival Out and Back run from the fountain. A couple left early, others left on time, some glowed in the dark, all arrived back safely. Announcements: Run Q’s are needed – Sign up or see someone who Q’s regularly if you’re not sure […]
Correction!!! 22
XXLers left way early… atleast 1 XLer left not so early… The disclaimer was given…on time… Running was committed…work was done…a thick, unseen gravy was inhaled by all…makes breathing not so much fun All returned safe….Sparkle skinned out a mite early (it was great seeing and talking with him as it’s been awhile) we circled, […]
Hatred for Hustle
3 pax moseyed from here to there, then again to here, and back over there as fast as they could. Last week Dixie Chick asked for Q’s for the week he was out. YHC has been fairly slack about Q’ing the runs and even more slack about pushing others to Q anything at all. […]