F3 Greenwood

30 posted at Starbucks for various distance runs and the best 2nd F in F3 Greenwood.

Conditions: Perfect weather for a good run: mid 60s.

Disclaimer given at 5:15 and off we went.

Almost everyone returned by 6.

COT:Counts, Names


Saturday Bootcamp is at the Shipyard this week.

Next Saturday, August 12, is the Laurens launch. Make your plans now to be there.

BOM:Closed in Prayer

NMM: Great work today from Alpo and Bueller who went XXL and racked up 10+ miles.

There was a little bit of worry after we circled up and still did not see Polly. He finally hobbled up from behind Starbucks. Hope that knee injury is nothing serious and is feeling better soon.


It is always a pleasure to be able to lead a workout. Thanks to all the men who posted today and pushed themselves to get better.

Dixie Chick