F3 Greenwood

16 pax packed the Fountain for a perfect fall morning in July. Low humidity and temps around 60 degrees greeted the pax. Being Monday, the route was primarily set. The disclaimer was given and off you go. Polly complained that YHC let the pax get started early but Verizon time is never wrong. Some pax went a little longer, some pax went a different route, but everybody came out and got better. Bueller made a comment about my rainbow brite light vest. I told him I would trade it if I could run like he can. Then he was gone. Dixie chick was slightly tardy but was like Cole Trickle moving through the field with a special set of matched tires and passed almost everybody. We all returned back to the Fountain. Circled up…..Counted, Named and Prayed. It was a great start to a Monday.

It was great having such a large group back at the Fountain. Keep it going guys! It has been great seeing PR’s fall for pax this Summer not only with running faster but pax also knocking out big time miles. Well done! Get out to boot camps as well. YHC got away from Boot Camps a little but have missed the fellowship …….and the pain. The return was painful but awesome. I’m still sore from Saturday as I type this BB. It was much needed on many fronts. Get out to Boot Camps and better yet step up to Q. The sheets have opportunities, just have to step up. A new month starts tomorrow, as Meatloaf likes to say “Keep Pushing The Rock” Flossy out!