F3 Greenwood

Repeat-o of YHCs first time

YHC has been doing some reminicising lately of my first time…my first time at a F3 workout that is. There has clearly been progress made over the past 6 months and change but YHC wanted to revisit the first workout to see how much easier it may or may not feel. The main thing YHC […]

Eye of the Tiger

Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t how […]

Where’s the coupons?

15 Pax ventured to the gloom at the Shipyard to enjoy a Couponless beatdown curtousy of “The” Meter Maid (From the Wood, not Anderson). Conditions: 28* with a little frost on the field Warm Up: S.S.H. x20 IC (sort of) Cut the Grass x25 IC (I think, forgot to stop at 20) Widmills x20 IC […]

6 out of 30

6 out of 30…any pax want to guess what that is before reading ahead…?? Over the last 30 February 24ths in Greenwood, SC SIX of them have had rain, rain, rain, well this was one!! 25 Pax [including 1 FNG] swallowed the Red Pill and pushed their bodies to get better in some nasty weather. […]

New Kids on the “Block”

12 PAX showed up for a dose of the “Right Stuff” and Uncle Jesse’s first Q at the Fury AO.  In honor of our trip around the block, with the blocks, I thought a little NKOTB was fitting.  I was always told I look like Jordan from NKOTB.  Excellent workout for all, and one that […]

The Flapjack

YHC decided to Q this workout knowing that tomorrow the M will be going into hospital for birth of another Sugar packet.  It may be a day or two before YHC is able to post again so wanted to make sure the PAX got a proper beatdown. 14 posted, including one FNG, to get a […]

Is is still February?

25 PAX refused to fartsack and came out to enjoy the near 60* weather for the weekly out-and-back run from the Fountain. In what has become the norm for this weekly run, some started early for a 10k route, some went XL, and some stuck with the regular 45 min run. Conditions: A semi-humid 59*, […]

February Convergence in The Wood

YHC and Juggernaut took on the Q of the Convergence this month and laid out a few plans before settling on a max rep competition. Conditions: Perfectly gloomy and 48* Disclaimer: YHC is perfecting this and get it in prior to wheels up! Mosey to the Flag and circle up for the COP All exercises […]

Merkins, a Hill and Soggy 6’s

YHC asked Sky-Q (I call Him, LORD) to hold the rain off…thank you! Answer to prayer. But it WAS WET! 51* and windy! 6 pax rolled out from ‘tween the sheets with the gumption to get better. So, that’s just what we did.  YHC grabbed Shovel Flag and we made our way to the coupon holding […]

Jason Isbell – Two time Grammy Winner

9 PAX wandered out on a wet and windy but comfortable morning to get better in the Shipyard parking lot.  YHC watched a few minutes of the Grammys last night, although I typically have a real disdain for most of today’s “music”.  That said, I was pleasantly surprised this morning to learn that my man […]