15 Pax ventured to the gloom at the Shipyard to enjoy a Couponless beatdown curtousy of “The” Meter Maid (From the Wood, not Anderson).
Conditions: 28* with a little frost on the field
Warm Up:
- S.S.H. x20 IC (sort of)
- Cut the Grass x25 IC (I think, forgot to stop at 20)
- Widmills x20 IC
- Wave of Merkins: Pax is circled around the Shovel Flag and get into Plank position, Pax 1 starts with 1 Merkin, then the the Pax to the left does 1 and so on until it’s Pax 1’s turn again who then does 2 Merkins. This continues until all the way up to 10 Merkins. Naturally with 15 Pax this was taking a while so YHC called a Q modification and stopped after the 5th round.
The Main Thang:
Mosey to sideline of football field for a little Blackjack:
- Do 1 Merkin and “Run” to the opposite sideline and do 20 LBC’s and then “run” back to the other sideline
- Do 2 Merkins and “run” to opposite sideline for 19 LBC’s
- Rinse and Repeat, adding a Merkin each time and subtracting a LBC’s, until you do 20 Merkins and 1 LBC
Mosey to the lot behind the Bleachers:
- Whirly Boys x25 Counting 1 leg
- “Run” up and down the bleacher steps all the way across, skipping the set in the Booster Club section.
- Rinse and repeat 4 times (Originally called 2 sets but YHC enjoyed the first one so much YHC modified to 4 sets)
Mosey to the bottom of the Concrete Monster:
- Do 25 Reverse LBC’s
- “Run” up the Concrete Monster”
- Do 25 LBC’s at the top and “Run” back down
- Rinse and repeat until YHC calls time
YHC calls time with 10 minutes left and instructs the Pax to circle up around the Shovel Flag.
- You guessed it. Let’s pick up where we left off with the wave of Merkins.
- Pax completed the wave up to 10 and YHC called final recover
Shared a story YHC read in an email sent out by David Clegg, Associate Pastor at Harris Baptist Church:
There’s Life in the Struggle
During a tour of the Great Barrier Reefs (stretching from New Guinea all the way to… Australia, where YHC’s mother was born) and one of the tourist asked the tour guide “why the coral on the lagoon side looks pale and lifeless while the coral on the ocean side is vibrant and colorful”. The tour guide answered with, ” The coral around the lagoon side is in still water, with no challenge for its survival. It grows weak and dies early. But the coral on the ocean side is constantly being tested by wind, waves, and storms. It has to fight for survival and this fight causes the coral to grow stronger, more vibrant, and reproduces more”. Then the tour guide adds this, “That’s the way it is with every living organism”. YHC feels F3 provides each of us with key parts of this challenge. The 1st F challenges us physically which allows us to grow stronger physically. The 3rd F challenges us Spiritually which more importantly allows us to grow closer to God. YHC also added that during our daily struggles of life we need to realize that God’s will is perfect and that he has some sort of plan for this struggle to grow us spiritually closer to him. We just need to attack our struggles with a confident belief that God is going through this struggle with us.
Chronicles 15:7 says ” But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”
We have a bunch of them. Read the news letter
Prayer Request:
We have a bunch of them, so pray for everyone.
- YHC noticed what looked to be an FNG in the parking lot was YHC was sure to give a proper disclaimer
- The slogan “The struggle is real” was very apparent from the start for YHC as he started out with the first exercise with something not resembling a cadence. And yes the Pax noticed and chimed in with laughter.
- It was good to have the Epicenter AOQ, Meatloaf, visit us in the gloom this morning as he noted that it’s common knowledge you’re not allowed to speak at the Shipyard, but thankfully he disregarded this and started what turned into a day full Mumble Chatter. Of course YHC feels this “common knowledge” is more mythful than factual.
- YHC could hear the disappointment in Baby Blu’s Tweet’s yesterday when YHC announced “a no coupon workout”, so YHC made sure to throw in a Merkin or 2 since that’s another favorite of Baby Blu’s. Unofficially 265 per Flossy.
- TClaps to Flossy for leading the Pax in the plank sessions while waiting for the six. Reward for being one of the first ones finished all the time.
- It was nice to have the Shipyard’s AOQ, Judge Judy, back from the IR and post this morning.
- Uncle Buck had a chance to reminisce ” The good old days” when YHC called for the Pax to Mosey to the lot behind the Bleachers. He was quickly told that we were not going under the bleachers just to the lot behind them.
- As YHC was giving the Devo, the ” Struggles” resurfaced as he butchered the English language with his lack of public speaking skills. Cobain’s for that.
- And yes… Those struggles continued all the way through the prayer at which point Meatloaf said those struggles are caused by one of 2 things. Drinking or working hard. Apparently YHC worked hard this morning.
As always YHC enjoys the privilege of leading this great group of men and YHC hopes he provided an opportunity for the Pax to get better.
Until next time
MM out