YHC asked Sky-Q (I call Him, LORD) to hold the rain off…thank you! Answer to prayer. But it WAS WET! 51* and windy! 6 pax rolled out from ‘tween the sheets with the gumption to get better. So, that’s just what we did. YHC grabbed Shovel Flag and we made our way to the coupon holding area. Old Glory ALMOST got ripped in the whipping wind after tangling in some barb wire. But, she’s okay.
Plant the Flag, grabbed our coupons and moseyed (the long and super wet way, thanks Meatloaf) to the Gazebo. YHC thought might be dry in there, nope. Came back out, circled up.
SSH -21x IC
An assortment of stretches led by YHC
All Merkins were led on Q count. The pax let it be known, holding in the down position, simply hurts. YHC called on Pax to lead the ‘tween exercises. The pax who led would then call on another to lead the next ‘tween exercise. Each pax led IC counting. 25 was the prevailing IC count each Pax chose.
10 Merkins (count on Q)
Flutter Kicks- Pax call IC
9 Merkins (count on Q)
LBC- Pax call IC
8 Merkins (count on Q)
American Hammer- Pax call IC
7 Merkins (count on Q)
Freddy Mercury- Pax call IC
6 Merkins (count on Q)
LBAC- Pax call IC
5 Merkins (count on Q)
Overhead Block Press- Pax call IC [YHC somehow, skipped this one. Mistake. We did not go back]
4 Merkins (count on Q)
Kettle Bell Swing- Pax call IC
3 Merkins (count on Q)
Block Rows- Pax call IC
2 Merkins (count on Q)
Block Curls- Pax call IC
1 Merkin (count on Q)
Count off to form 3 teams of 2. Mosey to The Hill .
Pax 1 at bottom of hill Jungle Boy Squats (ayg) while Pax 2 runs up the hill, backwards, beginning his
B. L. I. M. P. S. Each pax alternating, running back down the hill, between each letter.
{5 burpees, 10 Single Leg count Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers (count 1 leg), 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jax, 30 Squats.}
Moseyed back to Shovel Flag and catch breath at the same time. The fellas pushed themselves. Good workout. But wasn’t quite over. Meatloaf had each man Farmer’s Carry coupons to his truck.
Naked Moleskin
Senator is NOT sure when he is heading to Ball St, just knows it’s sometime between May and August. We’re glad he’s here!
Convergence is Saturday, 6:30 Alfa Mike at Epicenter! EH some Sad Clown!!
Keep Cullen family in your prayers and Dixie Chick’s.