Skipping through a Big Boy Dora
20 pax including 3 FNG’s hopped, skipped, and jumped to a better beach body. Over the past few weeks, YHC has been experimenting with runs interspersed throughout the workouts. Today would be different. The AOQ asked the day before if we were going to run, and while already pondering to leave them out, YHC replied […]
“I got a really good heart, I just can’t catch a break”
6 PAX decided to show up for Fury. YHC borrowed a workout from another group down in Columbia. I originally was going to include Rob Base’s classic “It takes Two”, but then recalled the fantastic song “Two” by Ryan Adams. The verse above is probably one of my all time favorites. Admittedly has nothing to do with […]
YHC is posting this on behalf of Refugee, who laid down a heck of a #snotwoggler for his VQ! Initial disclaimer: The Jug had no input in programming this workout, apart from the initial CoP. That being said, it appears the pax can no longer dodge YHC’s workouts in hopes of finding a #BluePill. Let […]
Welcome Back to Work the Campout’s Over
23 pax kicked the week off with a lil’OutNBack. All got better. Welcome to the new week, no more campout, no more S’mores, no more rubbed butts. Time for all of that has passed! It’s now time to go back to work, and what better way than with a Monday morning Out N Back! Conditions […]
Coach Pusher and the 800 yard core tightener.
Calm, 60 degree morning at the Shipyard heading into a beautiful weekend in Greenwood. Disclaimer was issued. Began warmups in circle with flag in Parking lot. SSH cadence x 21 (Uncle Jesse and Meter Maid joined here from a double down morning starting with Fury!) LBAC cadence 15 front , 15 back Imperial Walkers cadence […]
You cannot quit me so quickly…
I always liked the DMB song the “The Space Between”, especially the very first verse noted above. If you show up for fury, you better not think of quitting, even if you want to. Also fitting that there are “rain” references throughout the song as today’s workout took place during several downpour sessions. 8 PAX showed up for […]
1st Pain then Rain on DORA 123
Arrived at the SHIPYARD to cloudy skies, a little muggy with temperatures around 65 degrees. A good crowd of 16 pax including 1stF Q were on hand. With no rain falling and a field in good condition we headed to the field, grabbed some coupons, stuck the shovel flag in the ground. Circled the pax […]
It just started with 100…….
5 pax took their red pill and made that tough decision to post at Fury for a furious beatdown at the hands of YHC. YHC has occasionally gets on a SSH kick and keeps trying to raise that number. Well, Refugee put out the twitter challenge the afternoon before to hit triple digits! If the […]
A Disclaimer Too Important to Miss!
posted on a chilly morning in the gloom for some OutNBack work. It was a chilly, gloomy Monday morning that took a rather large red pill to swallow to get going. YHC arrived to find only Meatloaf in the parking lot getting ready. Uncle Buck arrived a few moments later and we were off at […]
Complete Workout
17 Pax posted for a great arm, good upper body and decent lower body workout. Mumblechatter was at an all time high for YHC during the warm-up; when you mix Shipyard and Epicenter, the smack talk begins. YHC got off on the count a few times, but re-focused and got to work. Conditions Perfect Disclaimer […]