F3 Greenwood

20 pax including 3 FNG’s hopped, skipped, and jumped to a better beach body.

Over the past few weeks, YHC has been experimenting with runs interspersed throughout the workouts. Today would be different. The AOQ asked the day before if we were going to run, and while already pondering to leave them out, YHC replied quickly, no they would not. This occurred without a complete picture of what would go down, but when creating any workout there’s usually one focus that dictates the other parts. This one would be no different. The question then became what to do instead. A few minutes later, an idea surfaced while watching my shorty Puppy Chow skip around the house. The idea looked like this……

Warmer than the day before, but still a brisk 58 degrees, dry and cloudless

I am not a professional. I hope you are not a professional, because then you will see how unprofessional I really am.

Warm Up
Mtn Climbers x35 IC
LBAC Medley IC
– Forward x30
– Overhead Claps x25
– Front Claps x25
– Reverse x30
Flutter Kicks x30 IC
SSH x35 IC
LBC’s x25 IC

Demonstration for FNG’s
Thrusters x5 IC
Alpo’s Trap Pulls x5 IC

(Split up into teams of 2)
Big Boy Dora

A)Thrusters w/Coupon x100
B)Lunge Walk w/Coupon to cones (approx. 75yds) then skip back to partner

A)Alpo’s Trap Pulls x200
B)1 Foot Hop (alternating every 5 hops) to cones then skip back to partner

A)Chest Presses x300
B)Frog Hop (both feet together) to cones then skip back to partner

A)Curls x 400
B)Karaoke to cones then skip back to partner

– Habitat 4 Humanity today 8-12
– Northwest Volunteer FD will be selling hash this weekend for Memorial Day.
– Whetstone – Get a Mentor!
– Sign up to Q! F3 is about creating better leaders. One way to become a better leader is to lead other men. The easiest way to lead other men is to Q a workout! Sign up to Q!

Prayer Requests
Mac&Cheese’s shorty’s
Rod Case funeral
Blue Ball and Family
Terry Jones surgery in Tx
Smoky’s employment situation

– Welcome Gold Rush, Love Bug, and Wolverine. It is rare that an FNG can throw out such fodder as “I’m from Columbus, OH…..Go Bucks” without feeling some retribution from the pax. Much to the chagrin of some pax not present, wolverine was used. Yes, it could have been Maize and Blue, or just Maize, or Lloyd Carr, but wolverine is what the COT latched onto and forever after wolverine it will be.
– Tclaps to these new FNG’s for traveling all the way from McCormick to post in the gloom. Potential Co-Starfish with F3Augusta???? YHC thinks doubtful, but ya never really know.
– While pulling in the lot, YHC saw that Smoky was standing with the Shovel Flag ready to get after it!
– Starting the COP with Mtn Climbers is always a really great way to wake up the pax, but doing 35 4count IC Mtn Climbers quickly turned into a crowd pleaser. They were so smitten that the LBAC medley hit them off guard when YHC went for extended time by conversing before and after the actual work performed. Floppy arms could be seen all around the circle. YHC is beginning to enjoy these soo much that like Meatloaf, they might appear in every workout and possibly multiple times in a few.
– For whatever reason, the way the teams were aligning while in the COP were not pleasing to YHC, so everyone was sent to the goal line which scrambled the pax just enough to produce some quality accountability partners.
– Skipping is something that YHC loved to do as a child, and believes that adults everywhere would be a lot less angry if their days involved more skipping. So it provide a needed respite from the Big Boy Dora that had been conjured up as the downpainment.
– YHC recalls watching Applesauce blankly stare as the pax were complaining about how hard the Frog Hops were. He busted them and the rest of the work out like a true champion leading from the front!
– While explaining the Big Boy Dora, Sugar questioned the intelligence of pairing the Thrusters with the Walking Lunges with Rifle Carry. It was a valid point and after a second of reflection it sounded even worse than the night prior which of course meant that it had to stay.
– YHC did soften the workout for the FNG’s by forgetting to add the work at the opposite end of the field. The plan was to do 5 Merkins and 5 V Ups before skipping back to your partner. #Cobains for this! It will find its way back into the fold again soon.
– The Frog Hops were a killer that prodded most of the pax to announce their displeasure.
– Tclaps to Algae, YHC’s partner, for refusing to leave work undone by knocking out the final 13 curls left after the recover was sounded. This was the first time YHC was able to work with Algae. He pushed through the pain and kept the pressure on to not under perform the whole wod. Although fairly new to F3, he brings the heat that any pax would love to have as a partner!
– Tclaps to Sugar and Baby Blue for leading from the front as always and after finishing first, went down the line to help motivate other pax as needed!

Work was done. All got better. The Shipyard and SCDOT continue to bring in the recruits! A great atmosphere and great pax make it always super enjoyable to Q. However, with YHC taking over duties as the Fury AOQ, a thinning of Q’s elsewhere is on the horizon. This will be something that YHC hopes the pax will miss as much as AYE! As always, it was a pleasure to post in the gloom with such high quality men!

JKS – Alpo