#Problematic times return to the Shipyard
27 pax…… yes this is not a typo…..27 pax packed the Shipyard on a fantastic #gloomy morning in #TheWood. Before YHC could even set-up the AO for the days #beatdown, pax were already eagerly gathering in the parking lot. I must admit seeing a group like this both exciting and intimidating all at once. I […]
Gettin’ Funky at the Shipyard
24 PAX came to the Shipyard looking for a workout. YHC is still nursing some nagging injuries, so decided to craft a workout without any running. We’d just circle around the flag and do a variety of exercises. And, YHC decided to bring a speaker, with a playlist with some pure 80’s funk. A lot of our […]
Shipyard Hospital: Pain Center Open
16 Pax visited the Pain Center this morning for a beatdown courtesy of YHC. The weather was perfect around 50 degrees with clear skies. The dew was present and had a chill to it. Enough about the weather and the dew, the boys showed up to work. So let us begin: Moseyed to the coupon […]
Dora returns to the Shipyard
Disclaimer Smokey is a professional firefighter but not an exercise instructor so listen and follow directions cause if you dont you will get smoked either way but do listen to your body if you need to modify do so CoP (All Exercises in Cadence) 20 Side Straddle Hop 10 Grass Cutters 20 LBAC front / […]
DJ Jazzy Judge and the Fresh Pusher rock the Shipyard old school style.
Wheels up 6am. YHC calls Disclaimer. At 6:01 , Uncle Jesse appears. Another Disclaimer. Inform PAX to mosey to field to grab a coupon and circle around the flag. Judge Harry moseys up , so another disclaimer. By now, all Pax know that Pusher is not a professional. YHC welcomes FNG and invites him to […]
Bermuda ‘n the Shipyard!
Mumblechatter rocks the Shipyard!
14 pax awoke to another cool April morning but decided none the less to post at the Shipyard for what looked on paper to be a good total body #beatdown at the hands of YHC. YHC was afraid the cold would keep the pax away but as has become custom at the Ship a good […]
Coupons and the Concrete Monster
14 PAX arrived at the Shipyard looking to get better. It was a perfect morning for a fun little beatdown. It was unseasonably cool and moisture was on the practice field, so once YHC surveyed the property, he decided to modify. It was apparent from the PAX rolling into the parking lot, that it was going […]
Spring practice at the Shipyard
7 pax plus 1 FNG descended (very close to go time) on the frosty tundra of the Shipyard. Winter’s last stand sent temps into the 30’s after a week and a half of t shirt weather. Seemed like the pax of #TheWood chose their warm cozy #Fartsacks over the #gloom at least at the Shipyard! Spring practice […]
Sweatfest at the Shipyard
While many of our F3 Greenwood PAX were preparing for the Assault, we had 12 PAX decide to post at the Shipyard. Many of the PAX either had time constraints that prevented them from attempting the Assault. Or, some may be in the same boat at YHC and have some physical constraints which may prevent a 4 hour […]