F3 Greenwood

16 Pax visited the Pain Center this morning for a beatdown courtesy of YHC. The weather was perfect around 50 degrees with clear skies. The dew was present and had a chill to it. Enough about the weather and the dew, the boys showed up to work. So let us begin:

Moseyed to the coupon stack and everyone grabbed a coupon. The beat down began early.

25 Side straddle hop IC
25 LBACs forward IC
25 LBACs reverse IC
10 air squats IC
10 morning glorys IC

10 thrusters
10 man-makers

Thruster and man-makers were repeated 3 times. Much to the delight of the pax. Mumble chatter was present thanking YHC for the great start to the Saturday morning version of The Shipyard.

The circle of pain lived up to its billing- but everyone pushed through to get better.

The Thang

We ditched the coupons momentarily, and headed for the Goal line for a little AMRAP session with merkins, V-ups, and squats. 21-15-9 action, sprint, mosey, run or jog to the opposite goal line and perform
21 Merkins
15 V-ups
9 Squats

Rinse and repeat until time is called (20 minutes)

Pair Up
For the next set the pax paired up for a little coupon work in the middle of the field. Pax 1 would do work with coupons, maintaining his individual count of the exercises until all work is complete. Pax 2 would run up the steps, hitting every step and touch the varsity locker room door. Upon his return he would begin his work and pax 1 would run and touch the door. This would be repeated until all work was completed. Note: the pax would not leave their partner behind, as the pax would not advance to the next exercise and assist their partner if needed.

Work done by each pax
50- kettle bell swings
100 – Alpos (trap pulls)
150- bent over rows
200- curls

With about 5 minutes left, we circled back up for a session of MARY to complete the day. Exercises done were: burpees, merkins, LBCs, American Hammers, Big Boy sit-ups.




Prayer requests:
Coach Hill’s daughter (praise)
YHC’s daughter, fostering a 5 year old and 7 year old.

YHC wasn’t sure how this workout would turn out, due to my unscheduled trip to Greenville Friday night to deliver supplies and a bed for my daughters latest adventure. Foster parenting a 5 year-old and 7 year-old. But quickly in the workout, I realized it would be a good one. T-claps to sugar, spud, and meter maid for doubling down and catching a fury beatdown. Also, T-claps to Pusher for posting even though he is limited to what he can do.

On another note, I would like to thank F3Greenwood for the tremendous response to the needs of the kids that my daughter and son-in-law have recently brought into their home. They are overwhelmed by the support that my F3 people have given them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the donation of clothes, gift cards, and especially your prayers. When all the kids physical needs are met, your prayers will still be needed. My family thanks you for everything!

It is ALWAYS a pleasure to lead such a great group of men.
Baby Blu out!