F3 Greenwood


Smokey is a professional firefighter but not an exercise instructor so listen and follow directions cause if you dont you will get smoked either way but do listen to your body if you need to modify do so

CoP (All Exercises in Cadence)

20 Side Straddle Hop
10 Grass Cutters
20 LBAC front / back
10 Overhead Claps
20 Morrocan Night clubs
10 Flutterkicks
20 Monkey Humpers

Count off 1’s and 2’s, 1’s Grab coupons & partner up

The Thang

AMRAP #1 (10 minutes) 100 reps

P1 does max curls

P2 runs to first cone – w coupon american hammers
Flapjack: Repeat or until time is called

AMRAP #2 (10 minutes) 200 reps

P1 does chest presses
P2 runs to second cone w coupon were not Worthy’s
Flapjack: Repeat until time is called

At this point we started getting dumped on by mother nature and took flag and retreated to overhang in front of gym for

AMRAP #3 (10 minutes) 300 reps
everyone does big boy situps
This actually turned out to be 200 sit ups
50 morning Glory’s and 50 whirlyboys

Rinse and Repeat or until time is called

7 pax told Mr fartsack and mother nature forget you I’m getting better this morning and came out to the gloom of the shipyard

As always we did our 22 merkins to honor the 22 veterans that will commit suicide everyday.Please reach out to a veteran even if it is for a short conversation let them know your thinking about them.

Many grunts were heard and even after everything was done pusher was seen receiving rehab on his shoulder from cruiser. Guess everyone got smoked !!

Relay for life this Friday
F3 Dads camp out May 20-21

Many prayers were offered up