14 PAX arrived at the Shipyard looking to get better. It was a perfect morning for a fun little beatdown. It was unseasonably cool and moisture was on the practice field, so once YHC surveyed the property, he decided to modify. It was apparent from the PAX rolling into the parking lot, that it was going to be a good workout. Always good to have two FNG’s in the crowd.
YHC planted the flag in the grassy island in front of the gymnasium for the CoP.
Weather Conditions
It was a brisk 49 degrees, but felt perfect.
Short Mosey to the flag to circle up
CoP – All IC
SSH X 30
Plank Jacks X 20
Cut the Grass + Morning Glory x 10
Merkins x 15
LBAC (forward and Backwards) X 20
Werkins X 10
Overhead Claps X 10
Mosey to grab a Coupon and meet on asphalt directly under the “Frank Hill Field” banner
The Thang
Coupon Work
While holding the Coupon over your head (with straight arms) at all times, walk near the entrance to the track, perform 10 Curls, walk near the base of the concrete monster, perform 20 overhead presses, walk towards the entrance to the practice field, 30 bent over rows, walk back to starting position and perform 40 Kettle Bell Swings.
YHC intended to do this for three reps, but modified slightly, changing it to: 20 Curls, 20 OH presses, 20 BO rows and 20 Kettle Bell swings,
Return coupons to their resting place
Concrete monster work
Run up the Concrete Monster – peform
21 American Hammers
15 Burpees
9 V-Ups
Run down concrete monster for 20 squats; Repeato until time is called (10 minutes)
Partner up around the flag
100 Partner merkins – PAX 1 does 10 pushups, PAX 2 planks, then flapjack until 100
100 Partner LBC’s – PAX 1 does 10 LBC’s, PAX 2 does 6 inches; flapjack until 100
100 Partner Squats – PAX 1 does 10 Squats, PAX 2 does Al Gore; flapjack until 100
3 remaining minutes
In honor of UNC losing the basket ball game, we did 15 Bobby Hurley’s OYO
Flossy called for 10 merkins
Smokey closed us out by calling 10 Gorilla Humpers (similar to Monkey Humpers, but with a wider stance)
Count-O-Rama – 14 PAX with 2 FNG’s. Keep EH’ing guys, folks! Let’s keep growing!
Announcements – Read your Newsletter. You should get an email, but if not, it’s posted on Twitter every Sunday. Juggernaugt puts in a lot of good work and it’s evident with the newsletter. Packed with information; read it. Lot’s of 5K’s coming up, Connie Maxwell Mud Run is Saturday, Connie Maxwell campout is in May. Get involved.
Prayer Request – Sugar’s Cousins young child is having medical issues; Regina Rodriguez Gentry and her family; unspoken prayer requests
NakedMan Moleskin
- Great to welcome 2 FNG’s! This time of year is perfect to EH some friends, co-workers and family! Plant the seed, invite them, go pick them up, text them, email them, but keep on these folks to come give F3 a try.
- Glad to have Tom Austin join us. MeterMaid came up with his F3 name, “Misled” when Tom told the group that he “was at this workout because of YHC and moved to Greenwood years ago because of YHC.” Thanks, MeterMaid.
- Today’s workout was a total modification from what YHC had planned due to the soggy field, but it seemed to work.
- T-Claps to Smokey, while finishing the partner 100 Merkins, he managed to do the last 4 or 5 Merkins with a clap.
- Pusher sent a text to YHC asking if there would be music involved with the workout today. I informed him that music was not planned with this workout. Pusher didn’t post, so I guess we know what motivates him.
As always, it’s a pleasure to form friendships with all of you and to lead you in a workout. Together, we all get better.
Respectfully submitted,
Judge Judy