F3 Greenwood

Body By Coupon

Conditions: Warmly Sweaty. Disclaimer was given. Warm-up:  A quick warm-up of 25 imperial walkers and 24 side straddle hops. Thang: Proceeded to secure coupons and met at the bottom of the CM. 40 Curls 30 Tricep Extensions 30 Alpos 40 Flutter Kicks (count one leg) Mosey to Benches behind School 20 Dips 15 Lunges (count one leg) […]

Humpty Dumpty had a Great Fall

Conditions: 63 and windy Warmup (all in cadence except the Merkins) SSH (30) Imperial Walkers (25) Merkins (down/up 10 count) Arm Circles (25 forward/30 Reverse) Grab a coupon and circle back up. The Workout Round 1 50 OH Presses 10 Flutter Kicks 40 OH Presses 20 Flutter Kicks 30 OH Presses 30 Flutter Kicks 20 […]

Just keep Repeating.

At some point last night my phone charger decided to take the night off.  I was startled this morning to hear my wifes alarm go off at 5:00.  Normally I am up and out the door before her alarm goes off.  Fortunately I don’t live too far from the Shipyard and was able to make […]

No coupons, no problem.

I have been thinking about doing a coupon free workout since that’s always my go to for a good work out, but could I do a whole workout without any block work. Well let’s find out! Disclaimer given at 5:15 warmups: 10 burpees,20 merkens, 30 Air squats. OYO Indian merken run around school stopping half […]

(No Title)

Weather = Perfect One min warning and disclaimer given.   Warm up. Indian Run around school.  Last PAX does 5 burpees. Grab coupon and meet at top of the concrete monster. Work Top of concrete monster do: 50 curls, 50 overhead presses, 50 alpos Mosey to corner of parking lot in front of the gym: […]

Blackjack and Dora

Great morning for a workout. The temps are getting to that just right mark. No reason to not post, guys. Do what the average man won’t do, and post! Don’t be average. Disclaimer: given COP SSH Mtn Climbers Copperhead Squats Windmills THE THANG Blackjack up and down the Monster 1 V-up at the bottom and 20 […]

We Was Werkin’

This was my second Tuesday Q in a row at Shipyard, but my first backblast in as many weeks. The other got lost at sea when a dry rotted seat broke on a canoe my 2.0s and I were in last Tuesday afternoon leading us to capsizing and sending us all, and my phone with […]

Early morning w Duggar

I felt like it would be a good crowd this morning and it was. 12 brothers stepping it up at the Ship. The weather was great! The Disclaimer was given COP All calls were in cadence 10 Imperial Walkers 10 Widmills (YHC got confused for a second and called these out as Morning Glories, but […]

Straight Up Muscle Failure

Recruited a little, nothing heavy though, the night before. Only one HC didn’t show. Won’t mention him here. At 5:14 there were 4 pax I believe. 5:15, two more came, then finally Blu rolls up at 5:17. At least he showed.   It was 47° outside this morning, great temps for a sweat fest. Disclaimer […]

Strawberry Fields (parking lots) Forever

After almost 3 years and a few failed attempts; I have been given the reigns of Q for this great F3 region. I admit that I was nervous, and my exercise instructions were definitely choppy. In true F3 form, the mubblechatter response was funny yet somewhat cruel. I’d expect nothing less to be sure. We […]